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Hi Folks

looking for some advice.  I have some new to me MTH streamliner passenger cars.  All of the cars have couplers that will open but not close without pulling the pin to let them close.  They will not of course function on the layout as you cannot couple the cars together in a normal manner.  This is my first experience with the MTH streamliners.  All my other passenger cars are Madison heavy weights and I have never seen any have this issue.  I have two separate packs of streamliner cars and all six have this same problem.  Any advice on how to fix these (besides going with Kadee which is on my list to do).



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I've experienced this problem on a variety of newer rolling stock.  What GRJ suggests...smoothing the pin head and applying a dry lube (e.g., graphite powder)...can help, but you'll still have to couple with some healthy inertia to get closure.  IOW, the soup on the table is going to get spilled, for sure!!!

But, as regards this sort of problem with passenger cars, it brings to mind a question I've always had: How many of us operate our passenger trains in a manner that requires periodic uncoupling/coupling maneuvers??? I mean, excluding the wholesale install/removal of the cars or complete train with "THE BIG HOOK!" for rotating your inventory?

Whereas I can see a greater frequency for this sort of dependency on consistent hands-free operation of couplers with freight cars, I can't think of one time I ever broke down or re-assembled a string of passenger cars as part of an operating session.  But that could just be me.  I have 3-4 passenger trains on the ready tracks...usually with their appropriate steam or diesel power attached, but I can't think of a single time I ever felt like shuffling the cars into a new arrangement, or even would think of this as being some sort of operating 'fun'!?

Freight cars?...Absolutely, if you're making some drops/pick-ups at sidings along the route, or wanting to put together a different string of cars in a different order for...whatever reason.

Ergo, I don't spend a lot of time trying to fine-tune passenger lobster claws.  As long as they stay coupled, my locals and limiteds are good to go as "THE BIG HOOK!" placed them.  And if the observation car is up front, the RPO in the middle, and the diner being whipped at the rear, I'll have "THE BIG HOOK!" either sober up or get a better night's sleep next time!

Again, that's just me...trying to simplify the plethora of maintenance bugaboo's.

TEHO, and FWIW...


Last edited by dkdkrd

Thanks both!

KD you make a great point.  It may not be something that needs not work.  Beyond coupling on an engine when one needs to leave or switching engines like we do at DC Union Station when going from electrified to diesel I dont think the train sets used in real life see much coupling and uncoupling (Auto Train does but ...).

I just thought that with 6 used cars and all of them having the same issue it may be something that is known.  Switching over to kadees is still on my list but probably wont really happen en masse until I retire.



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