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Did MTH divest themselves of tooling that was less than profitable in favor of the Railking line and selected other tooling.  Could it be that the Railking line is more profitable than the Premier line.

A case in point seems to be the relative success of the “MTH” daily announcements of new products, all of which are RailKing but no steamers, being offered on a daily basis sans catalog.

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I don't think anyone outside of MTH can really answer this question. My guess is that they tried to sell it all. No one wanted the whole thing and some other manufacturers picked over the line to fill holes in their product lines or to get some items that sell really well and just passed on everything else. MTH basically decided to operate as a scaled down company with the remaining products because so much was left unsold and there is a market for the items made from the tooling that didn't sell. I would think because of all of this upheaval that they are slowly getting this together as kind of a new entity and this is why there isn't much coming out at this time. I would also venture to guess that as they get into a new groove with the scaled down company that they will ramp up. This is all just my opinion based on what I have read and what I have seen develop in the last few months.

@WaynePa posted:

Did MTH divest themselves of tooling that was less than profitable in favor of the Railking line and selected other tooling.  Could it be that the Railking line is more profitable than the Premier line.

A case in point seems to be the relative success of the “MTH” daily announcements of new products, all of which are RailKing but no steamers, being offered on a daily basis sans catalog.

Wayne...I moved this to the appropriate forum since it is a discussion about MTH and not specific 3-rail traditional trains.

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