Just received the Sunset 3rd Rail New Haven FL9 from Public Delivery Track. By the way, it was a great experience working with Beth at Public Delivery. There was no manual enclosed with the locomotive and nothing online from Sunset 3rd Rail. Called Beth and she just received the manuals for the FL9. It's probably going to take a few days before I receive the manual in the mail so I am hopeful somebody on the forum can help me get the FL9 running in DCC prior to the manual arriving. The FL9 runs great in DC, but I can't program a short or long address in DCC. The DCC system I use is NCE. I tried to set it up like an Atlas Gold locomotive since they're both Quantum sound decoders, however the NCE system can't read any CV's. I don't know the default short address for this decoder (003 the QSI Atlas uses didn't work). Has anyone programed the FL9 to set up a long address and get it running in DCC that can help? My DCC knowledge is limited to the simple stuff. Thanks
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If the Sunset 2 rail FP7 uses the same electronics as their E7's - the DCC board is a licensed QSI Industries Titan design manufactured off shore. It should come factory set to the DCC standard default short address 3. There are known conflicts between QSI’s CV Talk Back feature and NCE’s Programming On The Main function - but first before setting the long address test the locomotive to see if it responds normally to commands sent using short address 3. If not you may want to reset the Titan to its factory default values by following the procedure in the Titan users manual. Given that the locomotive operates normally using short address 3, now proceed to set the long address. To do that with an NCE system you must first turn off the Titan’s Talk Back feature by setting its controlling CV 62 to a value of 0. Then use your NCE to set the long address in the normal way per the NCE manual. Once the long address is set, you can re-activate talk back by setting CV 62 to 1 (I usually don’t bother). Hope this helps. QSI Titan user manuals can be downloaded from the QSI Solutions (the licensed after market manufacturer of QSI Titan decoders) web site.
Ed Rappe
Ed is correct. The QSI manual specifically instructs you to FIRST acquire the engine using address 3. Once you verify it responds to forward, reverse, light, etc. you can then begin to program its address and characteristics.