I started a new gondola today. This was a 41'6" gon that was re- built with side extensions for scrap steel service. And the best part and I am quoting Elmer Fudd here, "it's mine, all mine!" Don't get many opportunities to build something for me so I paired this build with 3 Wabash streamlined cabooses.
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Gonna need pics of those Wabash streamlined cabooses at some point. Your work is incredible. Separate thread on them is fine too!
Just WOW!
Holy schnike batman!!! Very nice
Malcolm, It is defiantly time to make something for yourself! You have been making so much for us, thank you.
Cool stuff
Can't wait to see the Wabash cabooses.
P.S. I sent you a PM.
If this gondola turns out like your caboose builds it's gonna be a home run!
I want it end up like this photo. I drilled 642 holes this morning for rivets. It will serve the Railroad Repair & Restoration Services Co.
642, eh? You sure, Malcolm?
I may have missed a couple
And the gang at AGHR accuses me of counting rivets. Looking forward to seeing more of this build, Malcolm.