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That furnace looks as bad as one we removed from a house we bought back in '87.  It was a boiler, not as big as the original from my boyhood home.  Both were right next to doors to walk them right out.  Dad had to get the new boiler (then 43 years old) replaced the year before he and Mom moved to the personal care home.  The new one is a little unit that hangs on the wall and will replace your water heater as well.  Wow what a change in 60+ years.

On to the rest of the prep for the layout.  The floor is looking good.  I'm thinking of getting those carpet squares for my layout room too.  We had them at work, and they were great.

Well been toying around with another layout idea. I lose out on a couple of industries compared to the other layout. Will have more  elevation changes, mountains and tunnels. My max grade is 1.7%, all yellow track is a elevation change. No change is more then 3 inches total at once. That way I was able to cut down on the distance needed. This also helps with my plan to model PRR/ New England. Another thing I do gain from this is I added a small inter change on my branch line. This way I get some more operations when running. Mainly being coal mine will be located too left of the main line. Power plant is bottom left on the branch line. With mainly running PRR, B&A and B&M I think this will work well.
Tracks are as follows.

Red - main line                                                      
Blue - yard/ service                                              
Gray - branch line/ inter change                        
Green - 3inch elevation track                              
Yellow - elevation change1F3E82CF-FD6B-49CB-BCA6-1838A86F2773

Nate the Trainwreck.  This looks like an unfinished draft.  When completed you definitely want to have some dogbones.  Runing the trains round and round gets boring fast.  I liked your first track layout much better even though the open space was limited.  "It's a train Layout" said the track junkie.

Don't worry about the switches, my layout has forty-three.  Having a train run counterclockwise and then reversing can be remarkably interesting and it requires a lot of control from you, the engineer.

You're making progress quickly and I like the space you have to work in.

wish you luck with the reno. With removing asbestos unless it is a huge amount, you can do it yourself (this more as a general discussion). Asbestos fibers are a health hazard, but the people who have problems were exposed to it over many years, it isn't like you happen to breathe in some fibers and you get sick. If you are taking up asbestos tile,have a good quality 3m mask (the fibers are relatively big), and take them up. If you have asbestos adhesive, take it up and don't do what one idiot friend of mine did, don't use a belt sander to grind it down (the non asbestos portion is likely not good for you either....). In most places with a home job you can dispose of it bagged in normal garbage, asbestos fibers airborn are a problem, it isn't a toxic substance otherwise. Commercial contractors are often forced to bring in an asbestos firm, but homeowners don't have to for most typical things.

The house I lived in before my current one had a boiler that was a converted coal firer (it used oil), filled up a small room in the house. The new one was about the size of a 3 drawer desk cabinet (natural gas).

Only other piece of advice, don't be a dummy like me and don't put the wall studs on the wall, you learn how non straight basement walls are.

@Trainwreck nate

Nate The Trainwreck,

You have accomplished much more than I with the program.  It looks nice.  I was thinking about train operations and that's why I was encouraging you to find a way to reverse the direction of your consists. I cannot make a map for you to consider. I've never made a layout plan.  My work was all done in my head.  Over time I added more space and modified the layout.

I know the rendering shows the layout in green.  My wife told me to use green felt for the surface and that was one of the best decisions made.

You like it and your beautiful bride likes it.  So, just go for it.

@Wood yes the black will be the edge of the bench work. Give or take some spots once I get a feel for it. 23x11 is what I have to work with, so around the room makes the most sense. The tightest spot will be two feet wide, give or take once I get a feel for it. Trying to cut down on that area to get a little bit more of an opening.

Got it Sarg.

I reviewed the posts and saw that.  You are 100% right. At O72 you don't have the space.  Sorry to burden you with my thoughts.

Semper fi

CPL U.S.M.C 1966- 1969

Well I might have solved my under table staging yard. Doing another look over of my track plan again. I noticed coming off my yard lead i had two switches going up. Both tracks leading to the same point, my mid level transition area (green). With switching the tracks elevation im able to gain my staging yard.Screenshot [20)

the purple track in the top right is the track being talked about.

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Nate, it looks like you can't get directly from the staging yard to the mains.  You'd need to bring a train out of the pink yard, all the way into the blue yard, and then back out again to actually run it.

You might be ok with that constraint, but it might be worth extending one of the blue yard's tracks to continue under the mains across the opening and then join the yellow main somewhere.

@PSM one of the plans I did add in a second bridge. Which at one point there was two bridges on the cape cod canal. That plan had it issues. The original canal bridge was a bascule, which wouldn’t have worked. Due to the three foot opening on top of clearance once the bridge was up. With the height I’ll be building the bench work at helps the lift bridge. You may still need to duck a little but not sure yet.

My plan with it coming off of the yard lead isn’t ideal. The way I’m looking at it is as follows. Pull one to two yard tracks, pull to the top of the lead and cut off. Come down the turntable lead, back to the yard. (Might add in a extra switch to avoid using the turntable.) Make the hitch back on the train then pull back to the yard, clear the switch and shove down to the staging. That way I don’t get the engine trapped down there. Yes it’s work and time just to switch out a train. But I’m looking for more operations anyways.

E681F246-0285-4989-AEC3-7ADE5DF1F87FCCB1E70D-F8F8-4A99-AA5B-ACCC278924EDED937218-CB8D-4821-BC5B-C0227461F856Well the floor is completely covered and ready to continue work. Sadly I haven’t had the time this week. The next thing on the list is a quick demo job on a shelf unit. Then onto the more “fun” wall issue spots. Was able to break down the old furnace some more and bring that to scrap. Scrap is really low sadly only got 58 for all it. Didn’t bring the copper or brass wasn’t enough so I’ll hold on to it. But that’s a extra 58 for York. Don’t think much will happen till after York at this point.


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Well pretty much no progress has been made on the basement. Other things needed more attention, doesn’t mean I got nothing train related done. Once again I have re done my track plan. Still need to tweak it a bit, once they redo my key code. 3B398B7F-429C-4397-A106-C2BDCD38DDA3
yellow will be the lead to the staging. Sadly still can’t get a good way to get a reversing loop.

Lately I have been working on weathering my engines and rolling stock. 083F78A2-12B1-4DC0-8EEB-E426D9B08D2D2E531203-DD62-490E-BAE3-A8EB69BC5587
I saved the best for last. I did post this on one of the weekend fun photos. The wife and I had our daughter two weeks ago now. One day while I was at work hilary did a little photo shoot.


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Still no real progress on the basement. Material has been acquired due to my father on a construction auction. He got a cube of 2x4 for 1.75 each which is a huge help. Been toying around with another idea for a track plan. Finally fiugred out how to show the table edge which should help understanding it. This is the longest ive been with out changing anything major. Only thing ive changed was adding in the orange track on the top left. Lost another yard track but gained another lead with a place to build my trains.

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Well the saying is true once you have a kid every thing changes. Can’t believe it’s been well of a year since I last posted on this. So with some recent changes and situations, I’m going to be building a smaller temporary layout. The shop space I rent out is selling the building. So I have to move my shop to my garage. Will have to down size a good amount of stuff sadly. Biggest issue is I need to up my service and run 240 out to the garage for my welders. So the funds for the basement are going towards that. The main reason for the “temporary” layout is that way my daughter and I can enjoy running trains in the mean time. I currently only have two modular sections from my old layout. Something that’s not fit for a 1 1/2 year old. Still trying to finalize a track plan. But at least now we will actually be able to really run some trains before she grows out stage.

Well the saying is true once you have a kid every thing changes. Can’t believe it’s been well of a year since I last posted on this. So with some recent changes and situations, I’m going to be building a smaller temporary layout. The shop space I rent out is selling the building. So I have to move my shop to my garage. Will have to down size a good amount of stuff sadly. Biggest issue is I need to up my service and run 240 out to the garage for my welders. So the funds for the basement are going towards that. The main reason for the “temporary” layout is that way my daughter and I can enjoy running trains in the mean time. I currently only have two modular sections from my old layout. Something that’s not fit for a 1 1/2 year old. Still trying to finalize a track plan. But at least now we will actually be able to really run some trains before she grows out stage.

I went the same route when my two daughters were born. Actually, for about the first 5 years nothing was done w trains cause we were up to our eyes in diapers, vaccinations, bathtime, playing, and 2 house moves (due to job). On our third house, I was reluctant to go all in on a layout until I knew we were going to stay for a while. So we settled for a ceiling layout. It was just a single loop, but it sure was entertaining loading up the cars w animals, Pokémon’s, and little people and switching out the cars and locos. We even did some basic scenery w legos and Barbie landscaping.  You’ve got to work with what you got.

Nate, though it was over 30 years ago, I experienced the same thing. I started to setup a small layout, but it ended up being a place to repair toys.  😄 Then we built two dollhouses (12:1 scale) and later, the Roman Coliseum, a section of the Great Wall of China, etc for school projects.  I showed them how to use so many modeling materials, that they finally took over the “layout table”.  😄 We ended up putting a train under the Christmas tree.  Now they are in their 30s and I can build a regular layout, but no little ones around to share it with.  Make sure you keep your temporary or portable layout for trains.  😄

Once again talking with the wife. She said you’ve been spending time weathering and converting to kadees. All that just to put it on plywood. So looks like I’ll be doing scenery.  But that’s ok I’m going to be testing a bit of new techniques that will go towards the original planned layout. Plus this way of things don’t go to plan, I’ll have a nice layout to run on. It helps that I’m only using track that is in the original track plan.

9DA42C07-0D1E-43B2-914F-68034E8B6AEFWell I got out a work early one day and had some time before the wife and daughter got home. Got the first section up 8x8 or I should say 8x 8 foot and 3 inches. I was to excited and forgot to get a true 8x8 I’d have to do some cutting. But what’s an extra three inches… So obviously had to lay down some track to see how things were going to look. Hoping to get the next 8x5 up this weekend and start laying track for good.


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Well I keep forgetting to post on here. Then I get the “I’ll wait till I get this one project done.” Which leads into the next one. So here’s a real quick run down. The track for the double main is done. Just need to fine tune a couple spots. I’m getting ready to add a yard addition on the back side of the layout to help with storage. I’ll take some more up to date photos tomorrow maybe, this is all I had on the phone.

the main reason for this layout if I haven’t stated already is.  Being able to run trains with my daughter. Every night before bed we come down and run trains together.



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In regards to a reversing loop, in the real world passenger trains go back and forth while freight goes one way.  So, unless you think along the lines of that east bound freight, is coming back west with the same cars in the same order, and they just got reloaded with something, round and round makes more sense.  I have a double track around the room layout with 72 inch curves because I like the big locos and to let'em rip on the main.  The only reverse loop I ever had room for was in HO scale.  Sounds like the staging yard you are contemplating would make a good spot for a reversing loop. Some locos will operate on a tighter curve if there is sufficient room to avoid any obstacles, and a hidden reverse loop would be a good spot to try it.  I have had my BigBoy spec'd for 72 inch curves actually make it around 54 with no issues, it just needed more room.  Did not make it on 31" though, but I tried.

Last edited by CALNNC

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