Looks like construction has started on a new building in Menardsville. Any ideas what it may be ? Mark has been pretty quiet recently ...
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645 posted:Ivory Snow won't like the fact their ad on the Red Owl's wall will be covered up by the new building!
Or will there be a side parking lot area over there?
who knows ? Maybe there will be a parking lot there..
Yeah, for box trucks!!
The funny think is I don't see the lights on the power and light building! Unless that's it way in the back.
I give up - what is it?
A stewarts...
When are they going to make the small-town Sportings Goods/Gun Shop building .. with Jack on the front porch of course!
FLASH! This just in, the new building will be a model of Cabinet Bob's house and workshop! With a Bob figure on the front porch with Jack! LOL
I think it would be a good location for a Goodyear tire store.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Or maybe a Bob figure in the front yard planting trees with Jack! I like it, second choice the tire store!
franktrain posted:I think it would be a good location for a Goodyear tire store.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just talked to the construction Forman, he won't tell me what it is yet,but the walls are going up Friday if they can keep a German Shepherd dog away from the workers.....up dates to be announced latter.
Got to ask Bob, is that bridge also from Menards?
mike g. posted:Got to ask Bob, is that bridge also from Menards?
That's a post_war Lionel bridge that's being replaced by a custom one made from Menards material.
Sounds good, cause I looked and didn't find one on there web site.
Don't know if this video will work
That building looks like a storage area for box trucks!
Great Layout. I can see Menards has everything you need for a nice layout! Great Job BOB!
I'm not much on the "Hey Menards, you need to make a so & so", but actually, I think Bob may have stumbled onto something. A partially built pole barn or house, with a Menards flat bed out front delivering lumber would be a pretty cool (and accurate) structure.
I'm patiently waiting for some DIVCOs... just incase anyone named Mark is reading this.
Lehigh Valley Railroad posted:A stewarts...
Like this????
The first Stewart's Hot Dogs location.....still open in Huntington WV. It's a place I can remember from VERY early childhood. Funny thing is my son is the manager of a 'Cook Out' burger place just built across the street!!! I say I'm going to build a model of this place someday.