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Well, I had planned on making multiple posts of my newest adventure, but it kind of ran away on me and I ended up nearly finished before I could even create the first post. This was supposed to be my winter project, but I got in a groove and just kept on it. It started October 2nd and I limited myself to only working on it on one weekend day to try to make it last.

I’ve always wanted a ceiling layout and this year, I finally made it happen. I used shelf brackets along the two walls and the rest is supported by 38 3d printed brackets. It spans 4 rooms and this morning, the ends came together, so I had to grab the cam car and take a video.

Last edited by David K. Simpson
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Well, that is way beyond cool David, nice job!  I was going to ask what the switches were for, that makes a lot of sense.  Depending on what may be running up there, you might want something to catch any derailments, especially around where the switches are.

That’s a good idea around the switches at least. Especially since there will be no limits on what’s up there. Right now it’s your New Haven car set with a 3rd rail FL9 😂

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