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I find all sorts of scale buildings, built ups, kits, parts, but does anyone still make "toy train' style buildings ala early Marx, Plasticville, Littletown, early K-Line, etc.?  A long fruitless search of th web hasn't given me much to goon.


I'm putting together a 1950s era Marx 999 based layout and am having difficulty finding new stuff.  Some of the original items are asking collector' prices (I recently spent $89.00 for a Littletown gas station) or are in less that desirable condition.  I DON'T WANT REALISM OR SCALE as much as I want the toy train look.


I'm trying my hand at scratch building a few structures, but my skills and collection of tools aren't allowing the results I'd like.

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Yeah, I'm picking up a lot of the new stuff from Bachmann and some older items from people like Tandem Associate, but there isn't a full array of PVille from Bachmann and nothing else new at all... from anyone that I can find.


Wouldn't it be great to have some shiny tinplate or tinplate-looking buildings available with good quality lithography or similar type 2D "details".

Ditto on shows....aside from the guy halfway between the York "Billy Budd" and "Sheraton" open shows, in the motel parking lot,  I see them in every local show and TCA meet, and in general antique shows and malls.  And what about the infamous

internet auction....I got in a bunch of PV stations off that that I kitbashed and promised to put the photos on sooner than I can find them.

Ertl makes (made?) some farm buildings that fit quite well with Plasticville and K-Line buildings. I have two barns of theirs, one traditional and one modern. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to call the modern barn a warehouse or small factory.


On my Marx layout, I have a few tin buildings by Marx, Hafner and American Flyer, but most of them are just cookie tins I have purchased at Goodwill or other thrift stores for a buck or two each.



J White


Originally Posted by handyandy:

I've decided to make cardstock "tinplate inspired" buildings for my post-war trains. I draw them on the computer (MS Paint of all things) and apply the cardstock to foamcore for durability.

Here's my gas station inspired by an old Marx tin service station


Looks PERFECT to me!!!! Maybe some clear gloss spray will really make it look like tin......and protect it too!

Originally Posted by handyandy:

I've decided to make cardstock "tinplate inspired" buildings for my post-war trains. I draw them on the computer (MS Paint of all things) and apply the cardstock to foamcore for durability.

Here's my gas station inspired by an old Marx tin service station


We do this a couple of times a year with the youth group that the club sponsors. One of our members does the artwork, they are shown how to cut & assemble them during the meeting but the bulk of the work is done by the kids with parental assistance at home.

Last edited by Doug W.
Originally Posted by handyandy:

I've decided to make cardstock "tinplate inspired" buildings for my post-war trains. I draw them on the computer (MS Paint of all things) and apply the cardstock to foamcore for durability.

Here's my gas station inspired by an old Marx tin service station


That's what I'm talking about, Andy!


I may have to pick your brain for info on this.



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