Thanks all!
I'm actually only moving about three miles, and we are planning on an overlap of around 3-4 months so we can make the move incrementally and also tidy up this house for sale. Anyone need a really large house in SE-PA on two wooded acres? 
I've been looking around in my shop area and realizing what a huge chunk of work I've carved out for myself!
It's staggering to think of all the stuff I've accumulated over all these years!
I will finally get to use the Mianne benchwork that I picked up several years ago, though I suspect I'll need to add to it once I have a final plan. I'll get in next month and do detailed measurements to figure out exactly what I can fit in and still have good access to everything. The room behind the columns is where my workbench and computer will go. I figure the tiled area next to the door will be a small social area. I'll have a TV on the wall that I can link to the train cameras, that will be fun.
The adventure is just beginning.