My son text me a few days ago and said the neighbor was throwing out a box of trains and was I interested. A 2-1/2 hr. drive ( one way) This is what I came home with.
I thought, Oh No, water damage.
But this is what's in the box, no water damage or rust to be found.
The engine was a little tight but a good lube job cured that. The wheels on all the cars looks like they never had any track time. The whole set looks almost brand new.
In the box was some track and a transformer with damaged electrical cord. These manual switched were in the bottom of the box along with the instruction manual for the train. They also look new.
Along with the trains came this box of Marx "Railroad Accessory Set" # 0321
Perhaps someone with more knowledge of Marx could tell me if these are the correct cars for the Marx set 4999 that is marked on the box.