Several years ago I bought an A-B-A "set" (2 PRR A's; 1 E-L B), modified (headlight; molding; removed dynamic brakes), repainted, decaled, striped and weathered the
things for the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio (the first road to own/order ANY Alco FA's - even the NYC had to wait on the GM&O's order). Both A's are powered
and equipped with Train America TMCC (no cruise) and Railsounds; Electrocouplers on the now non-swinging frame-mounted pilots. The B is a dummy.
I have got to photograph these things. I run them as a lash-up (yeah...). 4 motors.
But the hardest part was the paint, striping and lettering.
This was a lot of work (waa - waa). I've been asked to do a set for a friend or two; I began to mumble "no, no...".
So now WBB, at long last, is offering an A-B set of GM&O FA-1's.
Gee, thanks a lot. Of course, I don't need yours, now. So there.