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Several years ago I bought an A-B-A "set" (2 PRR A's; 1 E-L B), modified (headlight; molding; removed dynamic brakes), repainted, decaled, striped and weathered the

things for the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio (the first road to own/order ANY Alco FA's - even the NYC had to wait on the GM&O's order). Both A's are powered

and equipped with Train America TMCC (no cruise) and Railsounds; Electrocouplers on the now non-swinging frame-mounted pilots. The B is a dummy.


I have got to photograph these things. I run them as a lash-up (yeah...). 4 motors.


But the hardest part was the paint, striping and lettering.

This was a lot of work (waa - waa). I've been asked to do a set for a friend or two; I began to mumble "no, no...". 


So now WBB, at long last, is offering an A-B set of GM&O FA-1's.


Gee, thanks a lot. Of course, I don't need yours, now. So there.  


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Originally Posted by John Pignatelli JR.:

Ok, Great, Now we have another player in the command control market. Yay I like FA'S, B&O, PRR,READING, If they had them I like to see ATSF, SP, and the RF&P also. I like to see them also affordable.

Where does it say WbB is entering the command control market??? I hope they never bother......but if they did I bet it would be a DCC version...

Originally Posted by AMCDave:
Originally Posted by John Pignatelli JR.:

Ok, Great, Now we have another player in the command control market. Yay I like FA'S, B&O, PRR,READING, If they had them I like to see ATSF, SP, and the RF&P also. I like to see them also affordable.

Where does it say WbB is entering the command control market??? I hope they never bother......but if they did I bet it would be a DCC version...

I think John made an error in interpreting the original post. It wasn't very clear. D500 was saying (I think) that he bought the FAs from someone who previously had added TAS TMCC to the engines. (Of course, TAS has been out of business for quite some time.) He was not saying that WbB is making engines with TMCC. 


I wish D500 would tune in again and explain where he found a reference to new WbB GM&O FAs.

Last edited by breezinup

Breezinup -


No, I added all that blasted TAS stuff to BOTH those FA-1's myself, oh, yes.

ERR is a bit easier to do (and I was new at upgrading when I did the FA's).


I did all the modifications to the locos, inside and out, painting, lettering and



I should have mentioned that the announcement is in the latest catalog pdf, but I see

that someone above tracked it down.


Must take photos...

Originally Posted by breezinup:
Originally Posted by AMCDave:
Originally Posted by John Pignatelli JR.:

Ok, Great, Now we have another player in the command control market. Yay I like FA'S, B&O, PRR,READING, If they had them I like to see ATSF, SP, and the RF&P also. I like to see them also affordable.

Where does it say WbB is entering the command control market??? I hope they never bother......but if they did I bet it would be a DCC version...

I think John made an error in interpreting the original post. It wasn't very clear. D500 was saying (I think) that he bought the FAs from someone who previously had added TAS TMCC to the engines. (Of course, TAS has been out of business for quite some time.) He was not saying that WbB is making engines with TMCC. 


I wish D500 would tune in again and explain where he found a reference to new WbB GM&O FAs.

Opps, that is exactly what John did, wishful thinking, we need more manufactures to replace K-line and the lack of MTH making new never done before North American trains.

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