Check out the excellent podcast with Barry B on DCS. Very informative.
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Thanks for the heads up.
If you like the 'cast, please, please me know what you think.
On the other hand if you don't like it, just keep that to yourself...
Hello Barry,I just listened to the podcast two days ago,while I was driving doubles semi truck.It was so good,I listened to it twice!!!!Lots of information for those of us who are just getting into DCS,and as usual Derrick asked lots of great questions!!
Anyone who is not familiar with the NOTCH 6 podcast,should become a regular listener.I have learned tons of things from the show,and Derrick always seems to get some great guests,such as yourself!
I hope to see you at York,and when and where is the DCS group meeting at York? Thanks for all the great info during the interview,and thanks for writing a great reference for those of us who truly are not getting the most out of our DCS systems.
Oh,and one last question,what is "Home Run" wiring?(I told you I was a postwar holdout). Thanks,Kenny Baughman
First, thanks for the kind words - they're appreciated!
Second, you can learn all about the York DCS User Group Meeting by clicking here.
Third, "home run" wiring is defined in The DCS Companion 3rd Edition on page 69, as follows:
Home Run/Star Wiring Methods
While the 2-way communication between the DCS Remote and the TIU is done wirelessly, DCS provides 2-way communication between the TIU and DCS engines through the rails. Although DCS has been proven to work very well using a number of different wiring schemes, it works best when there is a clear path for command and acknowledgement between the TIU and DCS engines.
This clear path is best obtained when the wires for the center and outside rails are run as pairs. DCS uses a transmission method known as differential signaling to provide improved data communications through the rails between the TIU and DCS engines. Differential signaling transmits information electrically with two complementary signals sent on two separate wires. In the case of DCS, these wires are the Hot and Common wires between the TIU and the tracks. These two wires provide "mirroring" of data packets which serves to make commands more easily identified by DCS engines.
While DCS engines primarily receive commands through the center rail and respond to, or acknowledge, commands using the outside rails, in both instances the other rails not used provide the mirroring effect of differential signaling. To take best advantage of differential signaling, whenever possible home run or star wiring should be implemented as described below using transformers, TIU channels, and terminal blocks. A terminal block is any device that will one accept of pair of wires as input and then splits that pair into several pairs of wires for output. It's a good idea to use only one terminal block for each TIU channel.
A pair of wires is connected between the output of a transformer and the input to a TIU channel. The wire from the Hot transformer post is connected to the red TIU input terminal, and the wire from the transformer Common post is connected to the associated black TIU input terminal.
This and a whole lot more is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!" This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at OGR’s web store! |
Hmmm, routes and scenes?
1 button can control up to 250 switches? 15 routes per remote? x5 remotes = 75 routes!!
I keep learning. I didn't realize the full potential of the system. I have one AIU and it's still disconnected.
Uh oh, remote is in it's sunset? I'd better prepare for the app... I do have a computer program connected.
Thanks BB for the great info, again!!
Now I have to learn about scenes.
* Can I get the new pro app when it's released, and load it into my smart phone that's not activated anymore? (just used for wifi)
** I always had matched pair length wires going to track blocks. I run two rail. I always isolated both the red (inside) and black (outside) rails on my G scale layouts. Recently I connected my outdoor layout for this season, and thought I'd try not isolating the black wired outside rails. I'm talking on hundreds of feet of G scale track now. Will the return confirmation signal to the tiu suffer?
* Can I get the new pro app when it's released, and load it into my smart phone that's not activated anymore? (just used for wifi)
It should.
Your phone doesn't need to be activated to acquire and use apps that aren't cellular in nature.
** I always had matched pair length wires going to track blocks. I run two rail. I always isolated both the red (inside) and black (outside) rails on my G scale layouts. Recently I connected my outdoor layout for this season, and thought I'd try not isolating the black wired outside rails. I'm talking on hundreds of feet of G scale track now. Will the return confirmation signal to the tiu suffer?
As long as the return path has a direct path back to the TIU, things should be the same.
Barry -
Nice job on the Notch6
I enjoyed the podcast but I'd like to know more information on how to allow the Legacy and MTH systems to work together in particularly how to get rid of the signal interferences between the two systems - Matt
I'd like to know more information on how to allow the Legacy and MTH systems to work together
The integration of DCS with Legacy and/or TMCC is discussed in detail on pages 124-128 of The DCS Companion 3rd Edition.
in particularly how to get rid of the signal interferences between the two systems
Typically, the only point of signal interference is due to some, but not all, Legacy and/or TMCC engines that have a CV board that causes degradation of the DCS signal. This interference can also be caused by other powered cars that have a CV (constant voltage) board installed. The solution, as discussed on page 157 of The DCS Companion 3rd Edition, is to place a 22uh RF Choke inline with the offending engine's or car's pickup rollers.
This and a whole lot more is all in “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!" This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at OGR’s web store! |