One item that was overlooked was the field the wrecked train is being staged until removal. i assume the farmer owner of that land is being compensated for the destruction of his crops on top of a monthly rental fee?
The Claims Department always generously compensates adjacent landowners for damage and inconvenience. That is standard practice.
I recently handled something at work where a train wreck occurred adjacent to someone’s yard and he woke up the next morning to a railroad MOW crew setting up their operations behind his patio.
He went outside, with a ‘look of death’ in his eye (his words), storming into a very surprised RR crew who was told by their boss that he’d secured permission (giant “Oops” from said boss later). He was immediately handed over to someone via the phone who gave a figure for his time. It was a VERY generous figure. They also apologized a lot. That meant more to the property owner than any amount.
As the RR people were leaving for good, a guy in a suit came by with a check for the promised amount.
“You can wreck here anytime!” he told them as they left. He said once he got past his initial rage of them in the yard, he said they were decent people.