High End 1/43rd
This week I want to briefly review some of the premium model makers. I am a 1/43 collector andI have a different viewpoint than most of you.
American Excellence (NEO) Models are resin cast and are the most detailed with all the bright moldings. They are my personal favorite. They are mostly ‘50s and ‘60s cars and are in the $70 to $80 price range. They have rapidly expanded their offerings
Esval has announced some 1950s Models in the $99 range. The only model I’ve seen so far is the “41 Packard and it is vary nice.
Brooklin is the more famous of the high-end 1/43 models. They have a large and expanding verity of pre-war and post-war models. Newer releases are improved with bright trimmed side moldings and some are two-toned. The going price is around $150
Western Models, WMCE, Conquest, Madison, Minimarque, and others have some very detailed models but run the price range is from $225 to $300. These are intended for serious collectors.
Here are a few examples.
1957 Imperial by American Excellence (NEO)
1957 Studebaker Provincial wagon by Esval (not yet released)
1942 Oldsmobile by Brooklin.
1947 Frazer Manhattan by Conquest
There are a lot of nice 1/43 models priced from $7.00 to $40.00, and I am not suggesting you purchase high-end models. But if you own a $2000 scale locomotive, a cheap dime store 1/43rd next to it will distract from its realism.
There will be no Chronicle next week because I will be in York with my buddies.
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