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My "" email service has rejected all incoming messages for four days now. This effectively puts me out of business.

Senders receive:

"This is the email server for the domain.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

<>: Permanent Failure: No account by that name here"

Anybody else using this service had this problem?

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I was using it years ago when it was offered as a part of MTHRRC, but the way I was getting to it ceased to exist probably at least a few years ago (I think the platform it was on stopped supporting it, at least in it's "free" incarnation. ("", IIRC??)).  I never bugged MTH about it, I sort of just let it go.

Looks like you had much more recent success than I. 


zhyachts posted:

My "" email service has rejected all incoming messages for four days now. This effectively puts me out of business....

Bill, you have your own domains:

Since you have your own domains, why would you use some other domain for your email? That makes no sense. Use your own domain for your email and you will never be at the mercy of someone else.

I see you are using gmail for your email on the yachts domain! Your email should be <something here>@seahorse And I think you've made a typo on the yachts web site email...williaN?

I also found that the domain does not resolve. The internet can't find that domain.

Last edited by Rich Melvin


Over 20 years ago I was helping Mike W. locate some local sources. I had a email service from a government phone service. No ability to create and store multiple files. Mike suggested and it worked great! Paid extra for increased storage and now all my technical, customer, boilerplate responses, etc are readily available any where in the world.  My backup gmail has to be used through a VPN in China and the format is awkward.

My company has a service,, which I don't use as it doesn't have needed the multiple file and cloud storage.

I love the format and, as the service is still down, will search for a service with a similar setup.  Any suggestions?

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