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After some tough negotiating (bidding) I am happy to announce that I have acquired the (an) OGR Headquarters Building. The Mega Movers (UPS) working with the on site contractors (Stout Auction Staff) will soon transport this handsome building to Denver, CO. Once here it will be placed on the RMD Modular Layout and become part of the Denver skyline. You can see it in person at the Rocky Mountain Train Show in Denver on Dec 12th and 13th.

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Maybe one day some OGR staff can come out and visit .



If you live in the Rocky Mountain Division there is a chance we will be coming to a show / venue near you. There is some talk about taking modules outside our region, we just have to find a show where we would be a good fit (the modules are 26.5 by 33).

I am not sure whose collection it was. Prices seemed a bit high today (holiday shopping maybe). This was the only lot I won today, no complaints. 2 or 3 buildings will be donated to our modules, 2 will be gifts to one of the guys who has put in many, many hours to the modules 1 or 2 will make it to my layout (when it is built) and 1 will go to the Ronald McDonald house.

We do it all in Colorado! 2 and 3 rail!

The RMD TCA module layout is going to be one of the best in the county when she's finished.

Originally Posted by xferyard:

Some of the buildings from the lot will end up here:
"Denver" includes 2 of siding passing modules, the corner and another module out of frame.


Videos (4)
Last edited by Erik C Lindgren
Originally Posted by OGR Ad Man: I am really confused!  Just how many OGR Headquarters are there anyway?!!  I thought this was the official OGR Headquarters Building...and even Andre made and presented the sign that was just put up on the outside!!









Think of it this way. Now you have a legitimate excuse to go skiing, Have the pleasure of shoveling snow and the best, driving in it. .  If nothing else you now have an excuse to build a ski resort and partner with Erik over in 2RS.

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