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This is a copy of a "do it yourself" print from an NMRA  bulletin that I came across. Have fun with it. I printed it out on 8x11 paper and was full size - 9 3/8", that is O gauge.


I had to remove the print which you posted, Jim. I received the following in my email this morning:

"Greetings, Clover House owns the right to Olde Frothingslosh.  I'd appreciate it if you forum members would refrain from using your forum to spread copies of the artwork...Russ Clover gained the rights from the man's estate, NMRA used the artwork by permission. Folks need to understand that intellectual property rights still exist. It would be helpful if the media would support this stand. As always, Tom Dempsey"

Last edited by Rich Melvin
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I still have three Olde Frothingslosh beer cans from the collecting days in the late sixties.  Three different colors.  One still has the pull tab in it.  Cool...   The writing is hilarious on them.  If I remember correctly the model's name is Fatima Yechburg.  I had them down about a year ago for some reason.  Great beer can, not so sure about the contents.

Redonionite posted:

As I recall, KDKA am had the Rege Cordic show (late 50's) which was enjoyable and zany. One of their skits and/or commercial involved the Old Frothingslosh beer with the foam on the bottom. Somehow I think this is where/how the beer was started and Iron City beer commercialized the concept.

And to keep this train related, Pittsburgh Railways even painted a streetcar for the Rege Cordic radio show on KDKA.



Images (1)
  • CordicCarColor

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