I have an older IPad and have some questions.
When trying to post pictures it is difficult because I don't know the work arounds. I have been downloading pictures to photobucket. Then I go into photobucket and copy the direct link and then open forum thread, next I click on the little picture icon and paste the direct link into the field. I have also selected appearance to put text on top (picture on bottom) but the alignment is off, usually tpara picture ends up right inthe middle of the paragraph. I have expire,enter with this and can't get it to be aligned.
I addition, can't get more than one picture to be inserted into the body of the post.
Problem 2. I can't find a way to contact member. There is no button to send a member a private member.
Im sure this is all possible, don't have a problem when using the old Windows Xp desktop.
If anybody knows please let me know. Thank you