Anyone know if there is a rattle can (Krylon, Rustoleum, Testor's, etc) equivalent or close to B&M blue paint ?
I'm doing a repaint on a flat car and want to get it as close as possible.
Anyone know if there is a rattle can (Krylon, Rustoleum, Testor's, etc) equivalent or close to B&M blue paint ?
I'm doing a repaint on a flat car and want to get it as close as possible.
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Huh, I don't recall ever seeing a picture of a prototype B&M blue flatcar. I know many manufacturers have painted them as such, but I don't think there was a prototype for it. I could be wrong though.
I'm not concerned about prototypical, only manufacturer match. The color blue I'm trying to replicate from a rattle can is on the rocket flat car in front. Note the different color blue on the boxcar in the background.
Tough to tell looking on a screen as far as a color match. Tamiya seems available in a lot of hobby shops. This one looked somewhat close.
If you can find a local shop that carries their line. Bring the piece with you and match up to a bottle and hope they have it in spray.
Thanks, Dave.
I have a couple of nearby hobby shops that carry a pretty complete line of Tamiya spray paints. Myt experience is that many times the color on the cap or chart does not match how the paint in the can comes out but, as you suggest, I'll bring the car to the store and see what I can come up with.
Just didn't know if someone had already gone through this process and could post their results.
I'll report back afterwards with the results.
Weaver painted this one.
I believe you can get this paint from a company named Scalecoat.
Krylon has a color called Harbor blue in their fusion line……Hobby Lobby keeps a pretty good selection of a lot of their colors,….
You could always mix it yourself and spray it with an airbrush. I used to do a lot of that with plastic models as a kid. Now I probably wouldn't know which end the paint comes out of.
@harmonyards - I saw that color and it could be a good match - they also make "Bluebird" which is close. We don't have a Hobby Lobby close by, but Walmart and Lowes generally have pretty good selections - thanks.
I've contemplated buying an airbrush kit for 20 years and never pulled the trigger because I've always had good luck using rattle cans or brush-on paints. Maybe now is the time !
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