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I could use any advice anyone may have. I recently purchased an unpainted MTH Brill Trolley shell.  I would like to paint in a  Christmas paint scheme  as shown in the MTH picture below.

Any advice on what kind of paint to use?  Semi goss? Flat? Brand of model paint?

I there a technique used to "seal" the paint to prevent it from scratching easily?

Thanks in Advance!


I30-5174-1_Christmas Brill Trolley01


Images (1)
  • 30-5174-1_Christmas Brill Trolley01
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As a former catalog painter for MTH i would use an acrylic like model master or polly scale, nowadays they may be hard to find. Wash the shell start out with the white, you could probably use light coats from a spray can for this too just make sure its safe for plastics. Then the green, then the red. To seal the paint use a safe for plastics gloss clear followed by a matte finish spray. Home Depot had a spray paint by Rustoleum safe for plastics and thats what i used when we could not find the small bottles of airbrush paint anymore. Hope this helps.   

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