Originally Posted by eddiem:
That yellow looks very "traditional", kinda nice!
Maybe I'll catch up with you at York this time, now that I know where you'll be hiding. Hope this York's a good one for you!
Every York is a good one.
I'll look forward to seeing you there. I'll also be at the OGR dinner and Legacy breakfast. 
Originally Posted by Bob Delbridge:
I've started looking at these Neopixel Digital LED strips by Adafruit:
But I haven't read enough to see if they can really be used in a passenger car.
I got a really nice small solder sucker from them a while back, great price and service!
You could probably use the three-color strips, I have a bunch of those. I haven't done that yet, the plain yellow ones worked out really well, and obviously very simple to install.
Originally Posted by brwebster:
Much better, John! Gets rid of that tanning bed ambiance. The difference can be important if you're modeling a pre-fluorescent era. I tone down the warm white LED's with yellow or red Sharpie's.
Thanks, I figured it was time I actually did a car with them to see what they looked like.
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
John, what do you mean by a warm white upgrade that uses my standard LE?D strips"? I thought you were already using 3528 warm white led strips. So how does your warm white upgrade make warm white LEDs appear different from how your initial LEDCCLR made them appear? What's the benefit of buying the new upgrade vs. the LEDCCLRs you sold at last April York?
BTW, has anyone seen or know which color LED strips MTH is using in their elegant soon to be released reissued Premiere 64' woodsided passenger cars?
They are all warm-white. All the kits I've made have been with the 3528 warm white LED strips. I've actually had a couple of requests for the cool white, but not enough to justify making kits up.
The yellow is a new experiment. I think these might be popular, they really do have a totally different look from the warm white strips. For older prototypes, they look more "real".
The LED controller modules work with any strip, they're all the same. Obviously, when I do cars, I just use the modules and cut the strips to fit as needed.