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I recently had a couple of questions from friends as to why I always focus on certain areas of the layout.  My answer was..."because they are my favorites".  They went on to "suggest" that I take a few photos of the other side since it has progress to the point where scenery elements can be added.  I never realized that I had posted very few if any pictures of that "other side".


Below you can see the large freight yard (sorry for that passenger train!) as well as the urban area behind the viaduct of which I posted pictures a few days ago.  In addition, there are a couple of photos of the passenger train shed from the other side showing how it separates the harbor area from the large freight yard on the west side.  For a full page view, right click on a picture then click on "open link in new window".  After doing so, you can get a super sized picture by clicking on the picture again.


As always, Thanks for taking the time to look and I appreciate your comments and questions.










































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Thanks so very much guys!!  It has been and is still a labor of love!


Steve and Spence....the layout is above my garage.  When we planned the addition onto our home (we live in what was originally a church) I knew I was going to build an urban themed layout with tall buildings.  Thus....a large garage for the 4 cars and then a second floor with 10.5 foot tall ceilings.  There are no columns in the garage or on the second, train room, floor due to using 18 inch engineered beams between floors and 16 inch engineered beams in the train room ceiling.  The layout is almost 1200 square feet spanning multiple levels.  The wall you see in the pictures above where the freight yard is located is 40 feet long. 



Thanks again everyone...wish I got paid a penny an hour for all the time I have spent during this build!


The erector set bridge is a highway bridge for city traffic spanning the "city canyon" where the underground passenger tracks are exposed....a great idea that my good friend Mike Burnside contributed during the build. of my favorite areas of the layout is the copy I made of your fantastic idea on converting parts of the Korber power house into a parking garage...thanks!


Aaron....the skyscrapers are a combination of kits, old building sets, and some are completely scratchbuilt.  Thanks!



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