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When I go to York I always make a trip to Texas Roadhouse and get their Filet Mignon.  I don't know how many times I've been there but I've never had a bad one.  You can pick your own in 6, 8, or 12 ounces.  Biggest baked potatoes I've ever eaten.  Just take route 30 ( I don't know if it's east or west, lol) to Mt. Zion road exit.  Take ramp and make a left turn at bottom of ramp.  Go thru the first light and make left at next light.  Reasonable price for Coffee, 8 ounce steak, potato, and salad only  $22.00





Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:

Guess I'm the only one who likes inexpensive "comfort food". My vote goes to Bob Evans near the fairground, or the diner at Rt.30 and Kenneth Road. On the fairgrounds, the stand selling Italian sausage with onions and peppers, across from the Brown Hall.

Thanks Joe LOL,
I had a 6 way bypass. I'll pass on the Italian sausage with onions and peppers.
I don't need to do the bypass thing again LOL It really wasn't any fun the first time around.

Thanks so much guys.We're at the Sheraton which is right near the Round the Clock and the Texas Roadhouse sounds nice Rick . Like I said I didn't know York had gotten that big.


Originally Posted by DPC:
Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:

Guess I'm the only one who likes inexpensive "comfort food". My vote goes to Bob Evans near the fairground, or the diner at Rt.30 and Kenneth Road. On the fairgrounds, the stand selling Italian sausage with onions and peppers, across from the Brown Hall.

Thanks Joe LOL,
I had a 6 way bypass. I'll pass on the Italian sausage with onions and peppers.
I don't need to do the bypass thing again LOL It really wasn't any fun the first time around.

Thanks so much guys.We're at the Sheraton which is right near the Round the Clock and the Texas Roadhouse sounds nice Rick . Like I said I didn't know York had gotten that big.


While I'm not sure it's actually good for a heart condition, there is a cart at the fairgrounds that sells crab cake sandwiches that lot's of folks like.  (it's probably better for you than the cholesterol in the sausages, however!)


I make sure to try to stop there each day for lunch.




Thanks Dave we'll be sure to look for it. Being a Maryland kid I'm a big fan of crab cakes and it's not to bad if you go light with whats on top.

Basically to eat heart healthy the rule is simple . If it tastes good ......You can't have it.
No Chile dogs ,Mickie D's ,Burger King or trips to places like Harold's . No seafood dipped in butter, no greasy sausages. No sausage gravy & biscuits or donuts
Boy this gittin old sucks and my wife will be with me so if I did eat any of that stuff ,she'd have me walking to Roanoke and back (20 Mi.) when we get home LOL.

|This last month I lost ten pounds that was my ata boy but you guys know how that goes. I can have a bunch of ata boys and one aw poo poo like a chile dog and with her it's like I never did anything healthy at all.

  Gotta love her she takes good care of me.


Originally Posted by Traindiesel:

The restaurant in the Sheraton has a pretty good steak and menu.  Check it out when you get there.


There's also an Outback Steakhouse in east York.

Now your talking. Outback sounds really good. Here you have to wait an hour just to get in the door and I hate that. I don't mind a little wait you know 15 or 20 minutes but an hour is a PITA but it seems like the economy has killed a lot of the good places to eat in the Roanoke Valley.

We'll also check out that restaurant in the Sheraton Brian
Thanks so much


Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:
Originally Posted by hclarke:

Definitely Coombs!  Sit at the bar - have some Chardonnay and crab cakes.

No kidding? Besides my "Baltimore" wife's cooking, I've never found a great crab cake outside of Maryland.

Ha ha,
Then you've never tried my moms! Coarse I was born in Bathesda and grew up in Gaithersburg. My uncle ran a fishing boat on the Eastern shore(Choptank river) .My mother now splits her time between Virginia and Florida
Doesn't matter where she cooks them they're always good.
all you need for a good crab cake is:
Crab pot
Chicken neck
Old Bay
her special blend of herb and spices
Cast Iron skillet
Big appetite

She also has a special recipe for fried oysters which I could eat till they came out of my ears.


Originally Posted by MrMuffin'sTrains:

I'd recommend Friday's. Around 7:00pm Thursday. Look for the banner. 

Wild horses couldn't make me miss that one MR. M . I wanna see if you guys really look like the pictures you post of yourselves on here or if your really using the picture that came with the wallet


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