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@Lou1985 posted:

Speculation, based on previous actions by Lionel. 2021 V2 had items with a blurb noting "ALL NEW TOOLING", when they were clearly made from former MTH tooling (C-Liner, CA-1 caboose, wooden passenger cars, etc).

I Don't think so. The tender looks correct for the 1218. The MTH tender was not correct for the 1218. I guess they could have put the Lionel tender behind the MTH engine since I can't really see that as well.

@Lou1985 posted:

Speculation, based on previous actions by Lionel. 2021 V2 had items with a blurb noting "ALL NEW TOOLING", when they were clearly made from former MTH tooling (C-Liner, CA-1 caboose, wooden passenger cars, etc).

The MTH A Class tender was the same tooling they used for the Y6b. I noticed on the new Vision A, the tender is different. So who knows what's new or not?

My observations were that there were the least amount of cars in the parking lot that I had ever observed since starting to come to the show every fall since 2006 (and of course 2020).  There were vacant tables in all of the halls, including the Orange Hall.  Some of the halls even had areas where there were no tables set up.  The crowds were light and I made my first pass through the Blue, Silver, Red, White, Yellow, and Orange halls by 2 pm and left the fairgrounds by 2:30 pm.  I thought about going back tomorrow and attending the Ives Society meeting, but decided to drive home and save myself the cost of another hotel room.

The Wyndham Gardens bandit meet, where I was selling, had a very sparse crowd all three days.

Spent c. $500 at the bandit meets and c. $75 at the main TCA show. 

Best part of the show was seeing all of the friends that I missed seeing last year.

@jini5 posted:

I count 9 people in that photo. All but 2 are wearing a face covering. Did EDTCA have a mandate after all? If so, I would have been there. If someone knows please post. I might be able to go tomorrow. Nothing political just would like to know so maybe I can go.

There are signs around the York Fair buildings saying that masks are required except for fully vaccinated people.  I am fully vaccinated but I still wear a mask.  I had COVID back in January and I don't want to find out whether I can survive it a second time.  Having said all that, my observation is that a majority of people are not wearing masks.  I hope they are all vaccinated but there is no way of knowing for sure.

@PGentieu posted:

There are signs around the York Fair buildings saying that masks are required except for fully vaccinated people.  I am fully vaccinated but I still wear a mask.  I had COVID back in January and I don't want to find out whether I can survive it a second time.  Having said all that, my observation is that a majority of people are not wearing masks.  I hope they are all vaccinated but there is no way of knowing for sure.

Thank you for the info. I got what I needed. I will pass on tomorrow. I will save some money by staying off that turnpike. After thinking a bit more........I probably shouldn't have asked. I now know what I needed. So please, if you don't mind, can we NOT talk about masks?

@MartyE posted:

Masks are optional. Wear it if feel you need to. All of the Lionel folks were wearing them so I’m guessing it was company policy.

Regardless of the missing vendors and smaller crowds it was a great day for trains.

In regards to the smaller crowds......I am looking at some of the pics from the OGR contest and not seeing may people at all in the background of some of those shots. So HOW small was the crowd?

A small haul for me today.  I was proud that I stayed focused on only getting what I came for.  I really could have purchased some diesels and freight cars.  Prices were decent.

Some PS-2/3 Couplers for my RailPro diesel.

Two Campers and two Evans Designs campfire lights for my campground I'm in the process of building.

And a piece of an MTH fueling facility I got at a very good price because it was missing a part and had no box.  My plan it to kitbash this and run my battery charge cords through it to charge the batteries in my deadrail engines.  That way when they are plugged in they look like they are being fueled... in reality, they are.




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In my opinion, yes, it was somewhat less crowded, but with social distancing and larger booths like MTH, Ro, Smith, Scenic Express, Trainworld, etc not in attendance, the place was a lot more spread out.  So I think the pics shown here are somewhat deceiving.  I stopped at a dozen or more places and had to wait my turn for service and in two cases, I gave up waiting because they were busy.   On the other hand, I thought that the purple hall was very busy and I think the way it was laid out, there were more sales tables there.  I’ll hit the other halls tomorrow.    

Took a center picture looking in every direction of the Orange Hall. Bit of empty spots here and there, but not too awful bad. My other center pictures were blurry. I really got to stop and take some time to get into focus. I think that is partially because I was already worn out from walking everywhere before taking pictures. Maybe tomorrow I will start that early.IMG_2321


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@johnstrains posted:

Trying to "decipher" some of the Lionel product in that last pic.

If anybody gets a chance today, please ask Ryan and/or any Lionel reps about their new Amtrak releases (those beyond the ones that were in 2021 Vol 2). They have teased some new anniversary locos and maybe even passenger sets.


I spoke to Lionel on Thursday in reference to upcoming Lionel Amtrak products. They are waiting for detailed information and blueprints from Amtrak. Hopefully, we should know more when the catalog drops in  January.


This was my first York show and I was very pleased with everything.  I don't have anything to compare it to, but it seemed well attended.  I came with a list of some things I was hoping to find and I pretty much found everything I was looking for.  I went through all the halls, some quicker than others as I was only there for 1 day.  It seemed like the member halls were very busy.  My favorite hall was the purple dealer hall.  It was laid out well and had a nice selection of products.  The layout there was very nice.  I enjoyed visiting the "Just Trains" booth and talking with Pete.  They always have a great selection of MTH products.  I also chatted with Ed of Ed's Trains.  He always has a great assortment of Corgi diecast trucks and busses.  I found some things I was looking for in the Orange Hall after going back through a second time.  Overall it was a great show and I had a great time!



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How about some of these? Yeah, I snagged a picture of Ryan. I teased him a bit about the B6 at the Railroad Museum of PA being restored. I'm going to see if Ryan will pop the case off so I can take pictures of the backside or if he is will to suggest any alternatives to taking weird shots. Maybe he will, maybe he won't.



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C833367B-73B0-4174-819F-F5455E1A1284Great to have York once again after being cancelled 3 times. Lot of planning and execution on EDTCA’s part. Still great to York regardless of no show vendors, etc. Just great to see folks from the country there!!
I was glad to be there after a life- threatening event 5 weeks ago having single heart artery bypass surgery and I made it to York and I felt physically great feeling the best in a year’s time.


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Great to have York once again after being cancelled 3 times. Lot of planning and execution on EDTCA’s part. Still great to York regardless of no show vendors, etc. Just great to see folks from the country there!!
I was glad to be there after a life- threatening event 5 weeks ago having single heart artery bypass surgery and I made it to York and I felt physically great feeling the best in a year’s time.

Ted,  It was great to finally meet you in person.  I enjoyed seeing all of the OGR friends.


Saturday Morning, 10/23

Orange Hall, northeast (front right) cornerIMG_20211023_105507

Orange Hall, small part of Standard Gauge Modelers layoutIMG_20211023_104819

Orange Hall, small part of layout in front hall.  The lighted buttons encourage kids of all ages to activate accessories and trains (one button gets Thomas to run full speed in reverse; I never saw the train derail).


Orange Hall, Bachmann display - plenty of free catalogs were availableIMG_20211023_092019

Orange Hall, Altoona Model Works display 1 - O scale canneryIMG_20211023_091951

Orange Hall, Altoona Model Works display 2 - O scale buildingsIMG_20211023_091905

Orange Hall, Altoona Model Works display 3 (not that anybody here would be interested in a brewery) - yes, it is O scale


Plymouth Woodie 1 parked in front of Orange Hall Saturday morningIMG_20211023_090946

Plymouth Woodie 2 parked in front of Orange Hall Saturday morningIMG_20211023_090848


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Last edited by PGentieu
@Chris1985 posted:

Had a blast! Here are some of my pictures from York.

-Chris (RBP Trains)

Chris, you, Jason, Sean & company really added to the fun of York. It was great chatting with you all, and it really shows that the hobby itself still is alive and well.

One of the most interesting things to me on your channel was the Weaver video that you posted I think Thursday or Friday night. It should be reassuring to others that love older engines getting a second life with upgrades. I myself have a Weaver engine, Canadian Pacific #2860 Royal Hudson that I have yet to get upgraded. I did see some other Weaver engines and rolling stock at York, but I was hunting for that elusive Dreyfuss Hudson from Lionel, which I struck out.

That aside, the good news is I spent my money on more MTH Madison Passenger Cars increasing my small NYC fleet and some Atlas Reefers. If I found the Dreyfuss, chances are I would not have purchased those. I can't wait to see your new videos coming out. Funny thing is, they started showing up in my YouTube feed the beginning of October. Must have been the train Gods.

@Dave NYC Hudson PRR K4, great meeting you as well! The comradery was my favorite memory of the Meet.

And regarding the Weaver video, I have really been enjoying those Brass Engines that they produced years ago. They are so unique and it is really fun to watch them come to life with the modern electronics! RJ has yet to come back and pick up that Tennessean so I think I will just keep running it on his behalf, haha!

Have a great Thanksgiving! - Chris

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