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My 2 1/2-yr-old put too many liquid smoke drops into the 681 today (pellet-type smoker) and now it isn't producing any smoke. I find many posts that confirm too many drops = smoker will not get hot enough to work, but curiously, I see no mention of what one needs to do to rectify the situation. We've run it for a solid hour now in hopes that the excess liquid would evaporate and/or slowly burn off, but no luck thus far. Turning the 681 upside-down yields no drips of the smoke liquid. Though it's a pellet smoker in there, we've had great results over the past year using liquid in lieu of the pellets.


For those of you with experience here, will this locomotive begin to smoke again from just regular use? All advice welcomed.



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What I have done with old PW steamers that have gunked-up smoke units is :  put it in neutral and turn the power up all the way, and occasionally gently blow down the stack once the element starts to glow red. It's easier than taking the thing apart, and unless the nichrome wire is burnt out, it'll burn off all the old residue. Hope this helps.

Wow..that lift-slightly-off-the-track trick really works; it was smoking within seconds at full throttle. I was having visions of the locomotive flying out of my hands and across the living room. When I put it back on the track and ran it normally, it stopped smoking again. I guess I either have to run it longer, or lift up the wheels again. Either way, I'm hesitant to add drops for a while. At least I know that the smoking unit still works. Thanks to all for the advice.

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