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I would hope that you would consider making premier line G scale stuff. I have a lot of your G scale (70+ cars, and 23? engines) and I like them. I feel some easy upgrades would make them premier level and would be highly desired.

 I like your couplers on the gauge 1 cars. It would be great if there was a adapter included that would allow them to be body mounted. Long trains tend to derail easy when backing up with truck mounted couplers. I will upgrade to KDs for body mounting. Your couplers would be fine for me. I may look at making my own adapters to keep using them. I'd buy them if they were available.

 That brings my next suggestion. Diecast trucks on rolling stock. Yours roll great and look good. Adding weight to the cars up high doesn't help much. Having heavier trucks would make them much more dependable again, when backing up long trains. I'd pay extra for them. I may try to add some lead if possible down low on the trucks.

I can only hope that a suggested modern diesel comes out. I like the Dash 8s and would like anything modern that would run with them. I believe Mike mentioned an Evo model with flashing lights as a possibility? Slightly thinner wire for handrails and grabs would improve the looks. Better detailed fixed pilots without those huge holes would help too. The snow plow looks toyish with it's huge holes too. I know it's to help with tight radii. Many users leave on the included floating pilots anyways. So a better detailed fixed pilot would help buyers who say the products are too toy like. Aristo (was), USA, and even AML seems to be working on the looks of their modern diesels. Their's use couplers that are body mounted. I wish there were screw holes and mounts for KDs on the diesels too.

 So your G scale releases seem geared towards the older era's. The refer cars are an example. There's not many guys who will buy an older ice carrying car that has a modern paint job. I am hoping for a modern version of this and any other rolling stock you would make. I really had no interest in steam era stuff. I caved in when all my guests seem to prefer it. I even ordered the Bigboy. I would always buy modern stuff first. I like to run what I see currently on the rails. Having models that capture that look, would make me very happy!!!

 Thank you for considering anything here.


Last edited by Engineer-Joe
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To me it seems MTH has kicked it up a notch regarding details such as handrails etc. as both the VO1000 & GG1 are rather great looking loco's. 

On the other hand the USA loco's & rolling stock is say like over detailed as those small detail parts get broken off and lost. I had 10 of the USA 5-car intermodal sets and those things were always losing parts esp. the deck plate pins.

Suppose it's all a give or take situation when operating outdoors in the garden...remember most large scale folks use the 10' rule. 

Yes sir, I do understand that. It does get frustrating when you touch something and it snaps off. I think some of the plastic that Aristo used was very weak at best. I backed up a brand new Dash 8 and the main airline snapped off from touching a coupler on the car behind. I got some Bethgons from AML and they had flexible hoses that made all the difference. So it's using the right stuff in the right places.

 I too noticed that the VO1000 seemed like it had finer flanged wheels and sharper details. Someone posted they were the same. I didn't know if it was a trend or not. I got the newest Dash 8 and it was the same as the very first models. I'm OK with them. I have a dozen. I wish I had something else to run with them. I can always easily add a plastic plate to cover the pilot hole. I sure hope anything gets made in G from MTH so they stay in the game!

 I am looking forward to a Bigboy that I've never owned. I would buy 4 to 6 new modern diesel models if there was some to buy right now. I can modify older MTH versions, but that shouldn't be the only way!


Hey Joe, now you're talking...Amtrak Superliners!!!!   I talked with Charlie Ro several years ago at the ECLSTS about doing Superliners and he just winked at me.  Don't know what that meant but no Superliners yet.  LOL  If I knew anything about producing model trains I might be interested in making a run of them myself.  I have the Genesis engines from LGB but no appropriate cars to run with them.



Thanks Rick. I too have one LGB Genesis and 2 of the cars. They are big for the rest of my RR equipment.

There is a person overseas that is making a run of Superliners. I don't know if they'll be made in big quantities.

I am a big fan of MTH's quality in G scale and their engine's trucks are the best made. When I put more than 50 cars on a train, I don't expect to wreck my engines. I'll use as many as needed to pull it but some other brands just wear out fast. I hate to waste all my time rebuilding stuff. I haven't worn a MTH engine out yet. I've got ones that are more than a decade old now. I have ones that other guys have beat up and they still run too!

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