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Hi folks I have both the above engines and as far as I know neither one have had smoke ran in them. I got the SD80 used and its a Proto2 and I bought the ES44ac new from MTH so I have a break in the day and thought I would run my trains and this time I would put smoke fluid in them. So I fallowed the directions and added 15 drops of smoke fluid to each, waited 20 minutes started them both up and neither smoke!

I could use some help here, if your going to get technical think of yourself talking to a 10 year old! LOL As I am slow with some of this stuff!

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@Soo Line posted:

I would suggest 40 drops of fluid.  MTH has one pile of wicking in there and it will absorb 20 drops without notice.

If you don't run without enough fluid you will burn up the wicking and it will need replacing.

MTH also uses 2 smoke elements which produce a lot of smoke but also require more fluid.

So what your saying is to add 25 more drops?

The idea Mike is to get fluid introduced to what appears to be...very dry wicking.

If you can get some smoke on a M medium setting...then I would add more fluid.

The wick in there is a long cord like affair...stuffed in the bowl and squeezed between the two elements.

The idea is to get the entire wick saturated and then just 25 drops will top it up when needed.

Let us know if you get smoke.

@Richie C. posted:

Mike - FWIW, I now use syringe bottles like the ones shown about 12 posts down in the below thread to avoid messes and bubbles. I think I got a lifetime assortment off the big A for less than $10.

Smoke fluid syringes? | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum (

Thanks Richie, I just ordered a  5 pack for $6.. plus tax. Great idea!

Well guys I am happy to tell you that I got both engines smoking! Not happy how I had to go about it! I wish I would have taken a photo before I fixed the problem. Mind you I took everyone's advice and tried them all, last I tried Ron's idea of blowing down the smoke stack with no improvement!  So I took the shell off, now mind you I bought this right from MTH, anyways when I got the shell off the smoke unit was backwords! I am lucky I didn't fry the fan motor as the first round of fluid was dropping right on top of it. I pulled it off and turned it around so the opening for the fluid was right below the smoke stack, added a little more fluid and seams to work fine now. I just wish it was a little more. Here is a video I know its hard to tell but they both are smoking!


Videos (1)
@mike g. posted:

Thanks Richie, I just ordered a  5 pack for $6.. plus tax. Great idea!

Well guys I am happy to tell you that I got both engines smoking! Not happy how I had to go about it! I wish I would have taken a photo before I fixed the problem. Mind you I took everyone's advice and tried them all, last I tried Ron's idea of blowing down the smoke stack with no improvement!  So I took the shell off, now mind you I bought this right from MTH, anyways when I got the shell off the smoke unit was backwords! I am lucky I didn't fry the fan motor as the first round of fluid was dropping right on top of it. I pulled it off and turned it around so the opening for the fluid was right below the smoke stack, added a little more fluid and seams to work fine now. I just wish it was a little more. Here is a video I know its hard to tell but they both are smoking!

Wow Mike you are lucky it didn't do damage with the smoke unit in backwards.  Weird it was backwards.  I guess it was assembled on a Friday.  Good catch though.  Looks like you are smoking well now but as Rich Melvin would say "Diesels aren't supposed to smoke unless they aren't working properly" or to some effect to that.  LOL!  Personally I like smoking diesels for about 5 minutes and then I ramp the units down or off.  Enjoy!  Always good to hear a success story.

Last edited by MartyE

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