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My experience is if it's on their website it can be ordered, but might be "pre-order". Most of the online dealers I've dealt with do not require any type of deposit. Of the online dealers I check The Train Shop, cttrains (McCormick's Hardware), and Legacy Station require a deposit. I don't typically buy much from them; they are just the online dealers I check.

To me, the bigger question is why don't some online dealers have items that are announced  - MTH and Lionel - on their website? And sometimes it's listed, but I wait a while. When I check back later it's no longer listed. Wonder why.

@Susan Deats posted:

Am I correct in assuming that not all MTH dealers take preorders for new MTH products?  If yes, Why?

Yes, with the exception of the custom runs.... they are exclusively offeed by the dealer that put the run together with MTH....

It takes a significant amount of effort to update one's website with all of the special announcements - we try to do it the same day - but it's hard to do!

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