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I can't figure this one out.  After applying power it just humms but doesn't  move.  There is no short but it seems the reverse unit cycles but the wheels don't turn.  If you turn the wheels manually they are free just like a Lionel.  The reverse unit, if that's what it is, is like something I have never seen.  It's a metal box mounted to the rear of the motor with an impeller inside and a gear at the bottom front.  See pictures.  Any help would be appreciated.  I have not been able to locate a spare impeller since this one has 3 blades broken off.  It is a cast metal impeller.  Maybe it's a whistle?  Who knows?    I had to pull a wheel to remove the 'reverse' unit.  I'm pretty sure the person who worked on it before did the same thing and could not fix it, but put the wheel back on without aligning it with the front wheel so the side rods could be attached.  This engine has no rods on the right side!!  

All you American Flyer guys can chime in.  The engine itself is in very nice condition, except it doesn't run!  Also what is the red sliding piece for?  Is that for locking into one direction?  C40D190D-CA50-45C4-9A09-C01BADA75EA973D5CE99-A267-41D7-A144-3C9A0674225D


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Last edited by pennsydave
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That is a whistle unit. It is in place of a reverse unit. The only way to get parts is to get another engine with working whistle unit. Hard to find. The red slide was to change pitch or shut off maybe. Anyway it has nothing to do with motor running. You can just leave it off. If it hums, it could be a number of things. Start simple, cracked insulation, dirty/stuck brushes, broken/weak brush springs, dirty commutator with clogged slots. I have worked on quite a few of these, and most of the time it is one of the above issues. Good luck.


CAA: Thanks, got it running.  The brush plate rivet on the upper right side was loose, so I restaked it and it now runs!   Of course I have another question.  Is there supposed to be a smaller gear attached to the very small splined shaft of the whistle?  Note picture where the larger gear to the left should be 'running' another small gear for the whistle.  

Thanks for the help! This forum is just great!



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So glad you got it running. Yes, small gear is missing. I looked for years for same, and finely gave up. Most likely you can only find it, and the impeller on another loco. All the ones I ever found were in better shape than the one I was trying to fix. You may get lucky on e-bay or a train show. Anyway looking is half the fun. Rods, wheels, brushes and springs can be found at Henning's or Port Lines Hobby, as well as a few other places.


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