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I've been trying to program some powermasters but the end results are not what I expected. I have a 135W powerhouse feeding a powermaster. No matter what track ID I program the locomotive starts up when I press any track ID number. For instance, I go through the procedure to program the track ID as "Track 2" and then slide the switch to "Run". I press "TR" and 2, "Boost" and the engine will run. If I hit "Halt" the engine stops, then if I press "TR" and 7 (or 3 or 8, etc) and "Boost" and increase voltage using the throttle dial the engine will start. I thought the engine would start only if the programmed track ID 2 was pressed first. Am I missing something here? I've tried this procedure on 4 different powermasters and gotten the same result each time. Any help would certainly be appreciated. Thanks for listening.

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Tom, That is baffling. So all the PM Respond to any track ID when you raise the throttle?

Regardless of the Halt button, a PM should only respond to one address for control. I have had to do halts and then I have to address each TR separately (ZW and PM) to restore voltage.

Do you have a different CAB-1 to try? G
Thanks for the ideas, guys, they led me to see what I was doing wrong. Taking Ron's suggestion first, I started from scratch and programmed the powermaster for TR#2 and tried using AUX1 and 0 to stop the train. I had to press them a few times to get the train to stop which seemed not right to me. At this point I tried G's suggestion and used a different remote. Same results. Now I'm thinking the problem is with the powermaster.
I've always been unclear as to whether I should hold both buttons on the remote down to perform a command or to press one button then the next. I tried pressing AUX1, let it up and then pressed 0 and the train stopped immediately. I then went back and reprogrammed the powermaster using one button at a time and the only track id it would respond to is the one I programmed, problem solved! I programmed my other powermaster as TR#1 for my outer loop block and can now control trains independently on the two loops. I also understand the difference between using HALT and AUX1 0 now. HALT shuts down power to both powermasters while AUX1 0 shuts down power only to the powermaster whose TR id was last entered on the remote. Using either HALT or AUX1 0 didn't effect the TR id of either powermaster as G stated.
Chalk it down to operator error which I'll gladly take over faulty equipment any day. Thanks again for your help.

Your PowerMaster is factory-programmed as track (TR) 1. If you are using a number of PowerMasters to control different blocks of track, keep in mind that each PowerMaster must have its own ID number. No other product–including Track Power Controllers, multiple locomotive lash-ups that are addressed as “trains,” or other PowerMasters–can share that ID number.
Assign a unique ID number (any number between 1 and 9) to each PowerMaster.
Follow this procedure one unit at a time. Only one PROGRAM/RUN switch should be
in the PROGRAM position at a time.

1. Slide the RUN/PROGRAM switch on the side of the PowerMaster to the PROGRAM position.

2. Press TR on your CAB-1 Remote Controller.

3. Use the CAB-1 Remote Controller’s numeric keypad to enter the unique ID number
(from 1 to 9).

4. Press SET under the front panel of the CAB-1 Remote Controller. At this point, the red light on the PowerMaster will flicker to verify your setting.

5. Return the RUN/PROGRAM switch to the RUN position. The PowerMaster will not operate with
the new ID number until you change it, even if the unit is turned off.
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