I've been trying to program some powermasters but the end results are not what I expected. I have a 135W powerhouse feeding a powermaster. No matter what track ID I program the locomotive starts up when I press any track ID number. For instance, I go through the procedure to program the track ID as "Track 2" and then slide the switch to "Run". I press "TR" and 2, "Boost" and the engine will run. If I hit "Halt" the engine stops, then if I press "TR" and 7 (or 3 or 8, etc) and "Boost" and increase voltage using the throttle dial the engine will start. I thought the engine would start only if the programmed track ID 2 was pressed first. Am I missing something here? I've tried this procedure on 4 different powermasters and gotten the same result each time. Any help would certainly be appreciated. Thanks for listening.
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