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I6A18B601-11DF-4C85-A645-7A717DB311F8465C7E13-3560-4F17-8B5C-27A04219DE1B465C7E13-3560-4F17-8B5C-27A04219DE1B4FE71759-AF99-4EC7-B4B1-B865EF19D15EA3D74083-DA99-41CD-8491-B306488A24A0FD25A079-E89D-43EC-9A1F-A0E8AFE0D353CA03BEF5-3194-4D12-9324-7586B5BA967B35E8EF15-6A65-4F69-BFC2-C5CC716DAA1435E8EF15-6A65-4F69-BFC2-C5CC716DAA146D6F77D9-2E6A-4E18-B8EA-B1A8981ADACD6F0E7BF4-B12D-4E6B-AE31-BB245FBBD820072FE455-008F-4E6B-85F4-4B5B73B38BA7DE6A0D63-67BC-4C53-8822-0C38090BDC3913650165-419F-4247-AD2E-CECD969F9597E9A50BD0-198A-4B2C-93C7-9549A814DDCDIt It has been a good while since I posted any photos of my VGN layout. Start with the last photo at the end of the text and work up to get the right order. This is the first time I have posted so many and I did not know how it works. The scene is the bridge at Glen Lyn, VA. The first photo is the benchwork under the river. For a picture of the prototype see H Reid’s Virginian Railway book.

The second is of the actual piers that remain in the New River.

Third shows the start of the backdrop.

4,5,6 show the painting of the mountains, clouds and the power plant. These are looking west.

7,8,9 are looking east and show the progress on the mountains and trees. All of this must go in before the bridge itself as it will be very difficult to get to it later.

Next is the first of the four big piers. It is 3D printed and is 19 inches tall. The truss on top of it will be another 8 inches. Track level here is about 85 inches off the floor.

The remaining photos show the finished scene along with the painted river bottom. If you look closely at number 11 you will see a goose in flight.

I was tired of doing trees for a while so turned my attention to the rest of the trackwork and wiring for the rest of the upper Virginian loop. This is the 2 rail part of the layout. It will be both DC and DCC operated. I have chosen the NCE system for the DCC.

Next will be to return to the west end and complete the scenery. Then on to the bridge itself. I will post more as it happens. Thanks for looking.

George LasleyF3C87CAE-E4CD-4F23-907A-EE4135AE4517


Images (14)
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  • 465C7E13-3560-4F17-8B5C-27A04219DE1B
  • 6A18B601-11DF-4C85-A645-7A717DB311F8
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