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Posted are some N&W projects that I have been working on for the last few months.  First is an N&W Alco T6 or DL440.  Several modifications such as piano and brass scratch-built handrails, N&W style pilots, correct placement of side vents, scratch-built piping in front of both sides of the cab, LED lighting and ESU Lok Sound with the correct engine sounds.  I will post more as time permits.







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You should have seen four of these puppies humping a cut of coal at Shaffer's Crossing at night. Beautiful red exhaust coming from the stacks! I wish someone would make these in 3R.



That scale test car is neat too. Ever since MTH came out with them, I've been wanting to do one.

Last edited by Big Jim


Knee knockers.


A T-6 is a knee knocker.


The control stand is so cramped and the engineer's quarters are so small, several times a day I knock the snot out of my knee(s) when swiveling around in the seat to look the other direction. Used to run T-6's pretty often, then they started staying north.


However, here a couple months ago or so, a T-6 was sent down to our terminal on account of all the bigger engines were in use/being shopped.


So, it was back to running a knee knock'n T-6. Actually, I didn't mind... sort of a trip back in time for me. (The smell of the T-6 cabs remind me of the aroma of the cabs on Baldwin VO1000's that I was in back in 1970-1972.)


However, being reunited with a T-6 didn't last long: It went B/O before lunch and out of service! (Governor went out.) To the service track it went, and another job had to loan us an engine out of their consist so we could finish our day.




Last edited by laming

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