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Before I ask the questions check this out.  I bought an MTH Light Mikado Proto-2 when they first came out.  They were first shown in Vol. 1 in 2002 catalog so it's been awhile.  It's been boxed for all these years.  I just took it out of the box about 1 week ago.  I saw it was Proto-2 and my heart sank when I remembered it had a battery.  I put it on the track and fired it up.  Surprise, it fired right up and the sounds came on (even the crew talk) right away and were as clear as a bell.  I ran it around my loop and it ran great.  I didn't want to take a chance on the battery dieing so I replaced it with a BCR.  It still ran great and sounds were even a little better.


I read somewhere that there were 2 different batteries for Proto-2 and I know there is a separate BCR for Proto-2.  The BCR I used was one of the first BCRs that came out.  Not a BCR for Proto-2.  My question is will that BCR hurt the electronics?  Like I said before the engine runs great with that BCR in it.  Just want to make sure it won't kill it if I keep running with that early BCR in it.


Thanks,  Rick

Last edited by RICKC
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BCR were not made specifically for PS-2.  The early BCR that worked for PS-1 is a 8.4V Battery.  The first PS-2 (PS-2 5V) also used an 8.4V battery.  So same BCR.  The newer PS-2 3V boards use a 2.4V BCR.  So the latest one is a 5V BCR.  Normally the connectors should be different to help prevent issues.   As far as BCR with PS-2 5V boards,  depends on who you ask.  The charging circuit did have issues early on.  G

The early PS-2 locomotives use the same battery as the PS-1 locomotives.


Since your engine was from 2002 then it has the 5 volt boards which used the 8.4 volt battery.  So the BCR 1 which looks like a 9 volt battery is the correct one.  The BCR 2 is for newer PS-2 engines with the 3 volt board.  Therefore you haven't hurt the electronics in your locomotive.




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