Now, I will share my best recollection of what I did to get the engine to work, so others who may had had, or will have, a similar problem, can benefit, as well as myself.
I think the major reason for the problem was the failure of the drawbar connection to be fully seated, and remain seated, in the tender socket. That problem was solved by attaching the small plastic piece (with the small white dot pointed up) that comes with the locomotive to fully seat the drawbar in the socket and keep it there.
Next, I put the engine on track located in a different section of my layout than where I initially had the problem, and applied about 10 volts of power to the track. Then, I pressed S5 button to turn on the remote handheld and then I pressed READ.
Here, my recollection is murky. I believe that what happened is that when I saw my engine's name on the screen, I pressed the green ENG, scrolled until the arrow pointed to my engine's name, pressed the thumbwheel, pressed the Start Up button, and the engine moved when I moved the thumb wheel down a notch.
Does the paragraph immediately above make sense? It's different from the manual.
Once I got the engine to work in all respects, I let it run throughout my layout for 10 minutes.
I will take a break and try to start it up again, and will take notes do I hopefully get it down pat. Arnold