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Am not sure what Bowser still offers, but they used to offer antenna kits made by Cal Scale for some PRR applications including cabin cars and a few diesels.

I did my cabin cars and K4 by buying the transmitter supports from Lionel and fabricating the receiver discs from scraps of brass & steel. Haven't found an inexpensive source for transmitter supports for my FA, RS1 and RS3. The induction train phone system was not used in the electrified division due to electrical interference from the overhead wires.

If you find a reasonably priced source let me know.



Bottom of this page, as Bob noted.   Part number #190-3018  F Units.   I believe you still have to supply the brass wire (.030"????)  . 

A U25 B and my E units done with Bowser parts.

Contact Bowser, there has been a lot of parts discontinued.  Cal Scale may require a wait, until they have enough orders to do a lost wax cast run.  You may get lucky.

Mike CT

Last edited by Mike CT

As of January Bowser had Cal Scale PRR EMD F unit antennas in stock - part number 190-3018.  I ordered 2 sets to replace broken ones on a Key E8.


All PRR EMD E and F units carried train phones through most of their service lives on the PRR.  While EMD delivered early order E and F units without antennas, they were soon retrofitted with them in PRR shops. To see where PRR locomotives were assigned and what special gear they had (like train phones) see Keystone Crossings' file of PRR MP229's (Pennsy's monthly Assignment of Locomotives report.) 

  tp:// .  


Ed Rappe



Last edited by Keystoned Ed

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