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I want to get a MTH Pennsy J1 that requires a O72 curve but I can only fit a 54" curve on the layout. Does anyone have experience with a J1 on tighter curves? Ive read on various forums that slight modifications to engines and tenders will allow this to happen. Any advice will be helpful. 



Last edited by Lerro984
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I have two.  Proto 2 20-3171 and Proto 3 20-3459 (DAP-might be uncataloged).  They are huge!  Especially the tender.   Even if they were to traverse 54 inch curves they would have a hard time with turnouts of that size.  They also have some not-so-subtle design peculiarities.  I only occasionally run them on 72 inch curves because they don't look that realistic on a small home layout.

I assume it has blind drivers on the center 3 axles.    You might try lengthing the tender drawbar quite a bit so it does not foul the loco.    also you try removing 2 axles from each tender truck, perhaps the first and third.     That should allow the tneder to make the curves -  - maybe.

Then the loco lead and trailing trucks probably need to swing wider.    You also might try removing the front end axle from the trailing truck on the loco.     A more radical change might be to move the flanged front axle to the # 2 position if that is possible.

You still have a long wheel base loco and you want it to go around a pretty sharp curve.   It just might not be possible.   It has to tie itself in knots to do it. 

I have a MTH Premier Santa Fe Texas:

I'm pretty sure it uses the same 10 wheel chassis as the PRR J1. The Santa Fe Texas is also rated for 072 minimum, and that's true for switches. However I have frequently run the big 2-10-4 on my 054 line with no issue. The thing won't do 054 switches but regular 054 curves are fine. The 3 center drivers are blind so they are hanging off the rails on curves. Just don't look at it and you're good. Also the overhang is pretty big on 054, so keep an eye out the first time it goes around your layout. 

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