Originally posted by GG1 4877:
I am thinking the reversing headlight is one. Still looking for the other. I like challenges.
Installation of MU and HEP connections on the ends appears to be the other.
Yes, the MU cables [ no "HEP", since each car self contained ] in lieu of the electrical connections underneath an S-W coupler, were what immmediately struck me. And 'struck' was one, if not the, reason for the change: hitting a deer, say, at 110 mph did not do those pin connections a lot of good, resulting in interwire shorts or grounds.
I think the 'reverse' hdlt was always there, from memory. The other change might be the coupler, but it's hard to tell -- and anyway they usually ran with adapter knuckles mtd on the end cabs anyway, at least in the early days. Also, I thought the secondary suspension was an air bag rather than a coil spring, but perhaps my memory failed me again...
Best rgds, SZ