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I have 2 ps1 premier steam one is a Mt3018 prr k4. I have a postwar zw powering my tiu fixed 1 and 2.  If I use the remote to vary track voltage to 0 or use dir button the locos won’t leave reset. Same if I use zw handle. Other ps1 locos work fine. If I use the zw thru fixed 1 to the track the loco works. Thoughts?

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I suspect the chopped waveform of the TIU variable channels is resulting in the K4 seeing more than 9-10 volts and that won't let it out of reset.  One bandaid I've used is a 4.7uf or 10uf non-polarized capacitor across the track feed to round the sawtooth waveform, that helps.

Another thing you can try is set the variable channel starting voltage lower, say 3 volts.  I've noticed that conventional stuff run at very low voltages on the TIU variable channels, basically because of the sawtooth.  My Williams Peter Witt trolley makes it around the whole layout at the 3V setting, including the 2.5% long grade.

Did you try the PS1 softkey to startup your PS/1 locomotives?

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