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I'm looking for some advice on conducting a transplant of either a PS2 3v board or a PS3 into an Atlas C630 with TMCC.

1) The Atlas TMCC appears to have a Tac stripe on the motor flywheel and a tac reader.  Although the stripe is gold/black instead of white/black.  Can I use both the stripe and the reader from the TMCC engine or must I use the Tac reader from the MTH engine?

2) I believe the Atlas TMCC engine has regular incandescent bulbs.  Can I use them with the PS2 transplant?

3) The PS2 board has more wires for lighting.  HL, BL, # boards, class and marker lights.  The Atlas engine has nearly the same setup.  The PS3 donor only has HL and BL.  Could I add wires to the PS3 to get those other light options?  How hard would that be?  Can I buy a new wire harness from MTH P&S?

4)  I am assuming all lights must be LED with PS3.  So no old lights can be used.  Would that be a reason to stick with PS2?

5) Do I need to need to consider speakers from the Atlas vs MTH donors?  What ohms or watts should I be concerned about?

6). Can I use the TMCC smoke unit or do I need to swap that out with MTH?

7) Same question for couplers.

8). What questions haven't I asked yet that I should have?

If this were one of my Blunami installs, I'd have the TMCC ripped out already.  But these are my son's engines and I don't want to mess this up.  I want to successfully install either the PS2 or PS3.  But I also want to preserve the TMCC setup in case I am not successful and must revert back to the original setup.

Would I be better off with an upgrade kit vs a transplant?



TMCC Atlas C630IMG_20250125_205021594~2

Thanks for your thoughts and help.



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Last edited by Ron045
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'd buy the PS/3 diesel upgrade kit if it were me.  You'd have to replace the TMCC bulbs if you used PS/2 in any case, PS/2 uses all 6V incandescent bulbs except for markers which are LED and TMCC used 12-14V bulbs.  You can probably use the existing striped wheel, but you have to use the supplied tach reader with the DCS upgrade kit.  The PS/3 diesel kit has wiring for every light imaginable.

PS/3 speakers are 4 ohms, so you'll need a compatible speaker. The kit comes with a 2" speaker, but I'm pretty sure the slim speaker that fits in the Atlas is a different form factor.  You have to change the couplers as well as PS/2 or PS/3 couplers and TMCC/Legacy couplers are not compatible.

Last edited by gunrunnerjohn


Just wanted to chime in on the speaker thing...If I understand correctly, you can use a speaker with 4 ohms or greater for the PS3 guts. Even though it says you need a 4 ohm speaker, using a speaker with higher impedance just diminishes the output a bit.

And from my practical experience recently, I have an 8 ohm speaker in a recently installed PS3 system, and I can't tell the difference at all. I don't blast my speakers super loud, so maybe if I tried to increase volume it would make a difference, but I wouldn't have ever noticed.

However, using a speaker with less impedance can overdrive the amp on the board and maybe burn out the amp.

Also, yes those kits are a white whale. I frequently check MTH site, and literally every time I check they're out of stock. Going on a couple years.  Guys on here insist that they frequently restock and you will get an email, but never happened for me. I just wait to find a deal on an existing loco with the guts I'm looking for and rip those out.

I have done Atlas Diesel conversions and they used LED.  They had small boards to work the LED with the TMCC outputs.  You could use the flywheel to register with tach, but if your concerned about scale speed, add the MTH tach tape.  The couplers must be changed.  If they are a unique Atlas type mount, the MTH won't work and you will have to do without coupler control.  Smoke can be integrated too.  You will want a 4 ohm speaker for volume.  G

@GGG posted:

I have done Atlas Diesel conversions and they used LED.  They had small boards to work the LED with the TMCC outputs. 


This Atlas engine has these little boards.  I was hoping to keep all of the existing lighting.  Since these boards are present could I just connect the existing lighting to the appropriate board wires for lights?  There is even a switch in the engine that can manually change the class lights from white, green, red.  I would love to keep that feature in place.




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Those boards were taking AC from the R2LC and changing it to DC for the LEDs.  So you can't connect the PS-3 wires.  You would need to remove components/cut traces and then wire correct polarity to the LEDs.

The ones I converted were not that elaborate to change Class light color.  They did use Forward direction light to operate front HL and rear classification and vice versa so that the Class lights went on and off depending on direction.

You have to study the PCB to figure out if do able.  G

Last edited by GGG
@GGG posted:

Those boards were taking AC from the R2LC and changing it to DC for the LEDs.  So you can't connect the PS-3 wires.

But what about the PS2 board?  That one typically uses the incandescent lights.  If I use that, would these Atlas light boards be doing their job of converting the AC to DC or do I have the same issues to resolve as you described above?


If Ron wanted to keep the switches to change the marker lights, could he run the small boards directly off track power since that is what the R2LC provides in conventional (and half wave in command)?  He would, of course, lose the ability to control the marker lights with DCS.  


I connected the front HL / BL wire which also controls the class lights to the PS2 headlight wire.  This little board in this Atlas shell is pretty robust.

I was able to change from FWD to reverse which not only changed the HL but also changed the class lights from white to red.

Then with a flip of a switch in the shell, I could change the class lights from white to green.  Again when going from FWD to reverse, now the green lights turned red.  Two wires to the PS2 board will control the HL, BL, and class lights.

Pretty slick.IMG_20250127_170724243IMG_20250127_170404068IMG_20250127_165652589

This is my son's first transplant.  He removed all of the TMCC equipment and moved it aside.  He also removed all of the doner PS2 equipment and has all of that laid out. 

He's back at work on the 1:1 this week and I promised him I would not work ahead and leave everything for him until he returns home next weekend.

Meantime ... I get the old MTH doner engine and get to make a Blunami engine out of it.



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@GGG posted:

Neat.  the picture explains class light though.  Not one LED with 3 colors but 3 different color LEDs.  Makes more sense.  I assume the HL can light white or green, but the RL turns on the front Red right?  G


The HL can only be white.  When the HL is on either the white or green class lights work.  There is a manual switch in the shell accessible through a removable hatch to change from white to green.  There is no "off".

When the HL is off and the RL is on, then the red light comes on up front which I guess is really now behaving as a marker light.

Interestingly, one color of those little lights is always on.  The only way to turn all three colors off is to turn off both the HL and RL and have a dark engine.



Right.  That is how Atlas did it with just single red classification lights.  Fwd the front were out, but the Front HL signal operated rear red class lights.  When in Rev the opposite happen and the fwd class light went red and the rears were off.

So they use HL to trigger rear red class and selectable Wht or Green front class light.  I am assuming the rear class light goes red when in fwd.

They just added another color and also made it selectable via switch.  G

Last edited by GGG

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