I'm looking for some advice on conducting a transplant of either a PS2 3v board or a PS3 into an Atlas C630 with TMCC.
1) The Atlas TMCC appears to have a Tac stripe on the motor flywheel and a tac reader. Although the stripe is gold/black instead of white/black. Can I use both the stripe and the reader from the TMCC engine or must I use the Tac reader from the MTH engine?
2) I believe the Atlas TMCC engine has regular incandescent bulbs. Can I use them with the PS2 transplant?
3) The PS2 board has more wires for lighting. HL, BL, # boards, class and marker lights. The Atlas engine has nearly the same setup. The PS3 donor only has HL and BL. Could I add wires to the PS3 to get those other light options? How hard would that be? Can I buy a new wire harness from MTH P&S?
4) I am assuming all lights must be LED with PS3. So no old lights can be used. Would that be a reason to stick with PS2?
5) Do I need to need to consider speakers from the Atlas vs MTH donors? What ohms or watts should I be concerned about?
6). Can I use the TMCC smoke unit or do I need to swap that out with MTH?
7) Same question for couplers.
8). What questions haven't I asked yet that I should have?
If this were one of my Blunami installs, I'd have the TMCC ripped out already. But these are my son's engines and I don't want to mess this up. I want to successfully install either the PS2 or PS3. But I also want to preserve the TMCC setup in case I am not successful and must revert back to the original setup.
Would I be better off with an upgrade kit vs a transplant?
Thanks for your thoughts and help.