More bipolar woes for me...sounds like I need a psychiatrist...but that's another matter. My newer PS3 bipolar (20-5721-1) has now, three times, released horrible super-loud and distorted sounds. No exaggeration here, it sounds like something out of B-horror movie...seems to always be distorted crew talk for whatever reason. The horn also sounded distorted when I pressed it during the poltergeist possession.
It doesn't have much running time on it...the wiring harness connections between the ends and the middle cab unit are secure. Each time it's happened, I've powered down, waited a minute or so, and powered back up and sounds were normal again. What the heck could this be? fyi, after each time it occurred, and after re-powering, I run it for about 20-30 minutes and things are fine. Has anyone experienced anything like this with an engine? I don't know if it is PS3 electronics-specific or not. My initial thoughts are to send it to MTH...assuming I can get a hold of them...but what if they cannot reproduce the poltergeist? Is there a functionality test they do on PS3 boards and/or connections that can tell them something is amiss without having the specific problem occurring as they test? To my layman electronics understanding, there is something wrong and I fear after one session it won't return back to normal. This is no way to run a railroad.