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Here's the scenario:

Two identical MTH starter sets, the Amtrak F40 set. One is PS2, one is PS3.  Both are new. The PS2 set is $50 less than the PS3, and will include a new battery.

What are your opinions? Is there any value in getting the PS3 set for $50 more? Are the PS3 boards better somehow?

I appreciate your opinions.

Last edited by pdxtrains
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How old is the PS2 set? What is its product number, e.g., xx-xxxx-x?

Also, since MTH hasn't manufactured PS2 sets or engines in the past several years and their warranty policy on "new" product is only for products manufactured in the past few years, the PS2 set may not come with an MTH warranty. This is regardless of what the dealer may be telling you, even if the dealer is MTH-authoirized.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

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