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I am thinking of converting a Weaver Pullman Bradley passenger car into a New Haven Pullman Bradley Grill Car.

The New Haven had five of these.

Has anyone out there done this? 

Does anyone know where I can get plans or photos?

What about a source for the proper color green paint and New Haven Decals?

Thank you in advance.


Last edited by ctr
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I can only take credit for the idea. Not the modeling. Way beyond my skill level. The once local shop that I frequented had a gentlemen that worked that was a great modeler and also a NH fan. I proposed the idea to him and this is what he came up with. More than I had hoped for as far as interior detailing. He worked with styrene and removed the doors and filled in some windows on one side. He did use the stock Weaver coach seats at the tables but repainted everything in the correct colors. The tables are just styrene stock. Not sure what he used for the tables stands. He scratchbuilt the bar from styrene. He modeled in G scale. Which would explain the larger lettering and no. .

As far as a reference book. New Haven RR's Streamline Passenger Fleet has some photos and info.. As far as lettering. Clover House has NH passenger car dry transfers. As far as paint. Scalecoat if you can find it. Or Badger Modelelflex both offer Hunter Green.













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Last edited by Dave_C

I was fortunate enough for one of our fellow forumites to offer me 2 of these cars (thanks again Mike!).


I turned one into the coaches that Seaboard Air Line had, swapping the windows around on one end of the car and altering the seating inside to match (last 3 windows on left end in the photo below): DSCN0147


I have plans to modify the 2nd car into a SAL Combine:



SAL pullman bradley combine





I don't expect to start until sometime after Christmas.


These are such beautiful cars, I hated to make that 1st cut.  It turned out much better than I had anticipated, but I'm not looking forward to doing the combine.


Images (3)
  • SAL pullman bradley combine
  • SAL+1967ca+PASS+CAR+DGMS
  • DSCN0147

Peter, they certainly are.  I almost hated to strip the paint off the C&O car, such a nice paint scheme, and spray that plain SAL Pullman Green scheme on it.


Built very well and easy to disassemble.  The lighting circuit board is nicely made and isn't as bright as most other car lighting (looks more realistic IMO), I need to see if I can power it using a battery.

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