Link to Electric Railroad site. There are several options for drive systems. Here is a link to the Installation instructions for the Railsounds only. Click on the underlined phrases to link. It appears that it can be installed via a conventional Locomotive. I would check with Electric Railroad to see if this is possible. Also check the sound features, I didn't see a whistle noted? See note from the instruction manual below. Or an indication of how the sound features are triggered via conventional locomotive. Looks like Railsounds only, is $100. Please confirm all with Electric Railroad or with Weaver. I believe ERR (Electric Railroad) also does install but could be wrong. Mike CT
A couple of notes from the instructions linked above.
For steamers, the Railsounds Commander will typically be mounted in the tender
and the chuff trigger installed on a tender truck. To have synchronized chuffing, the
chuff sensor switch will need to be installed in the locomotive, either on a wheel or
the smoke unit lever on a piston type smoke unit. A tender truck installation is
shown in Figure 6.
The Railsounds Commander will start up and operate when the power applied to the
track reaches 10 volts AC. Installing the 9 volt battery is recommended for
conventional operations since it enables sounds to continue during track power
interruptions. Additionally, when track power is turned off for more than a few
seconds, the shutdown sequence will start and play to completion.
The sounds available in conventional mode are the prime mover rev’s, horn/whistle,
and bell.
The Horn/Whistle and Bell buttons on the transformer operate the respective sounds
on the Railsounds Commander. The horn or whistle will sound as long as the button
is pressed. The bell will stay activated until the Bell button is pressed again