I am not sure how I stumbled onto this. The Quikrete Store (www.quikrete.com then select Quikrete Store, then select the Toys category) has NIB original K-Line Quikrete step vans for $66.25, and the Quikrete Vintage Truck set (a vintage truck and an 17 x 62 inch oval of 'Streets track (Sorry, it has D-16, not D-21 curves) for $88.45 each. The price for the vintage truck set is particularly good: at MB Klein this afternoon the track alone would cost $80 and any NIB vehicle is going to be north of $40 if not $60. In particular, the vintage truck is getting hard to find, at least in truly new condition.
Having ordered all I want (don't tell my wife, but they are long out of production and my supply of vintage trucks and step vans for bashing projects was nearly exhausted), I will now share this with the forum. When I left the site they still had 6 vintage truck sets and 4 step vans left.
BTW - the site is terribly slow to respond, it takes a long time to refresh each screen. and realize these puppies have sat in their boxes for ten years now, the grease on their gears is probably the consistency of hardened epoxy.