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If you want to run conventionally, which is what PS-1 (Protosounds) was anyway, there are two more options:

1. Put an electronic reverse unit from Dallee or Williams in the tender. Parts costs around $50- $80.

2. If you only want to go forward, you can just install a bridge rectifier in the tender. Parts cost around $10.

None of these options will have sound.

Last edited by RoyBoy

Again MTH parts https://www.mthpartsandsales.c...lists/200?type=lists

Keep in mind this is retail direct from MTH price. Service techs and dealers may get different lower pricing.

Not to mention, maybe some techs do board repairs or have used takeout boards from upgraded locos.

And I would recommend using this sound chip- yes from a premier but an NKP Berk especially if replacing the upper board.


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Again, do the obvious, check the volume control potentiometer, check the speaker, but if really dead sound, maybe the audio amplifier or other problem with the upper board.

As I read the topic and first post, someone told you the boards were dead. I'm kind of surprised if that same person diagnosed the issue, they in turn did not have recommendations- but realize also, maybe they just knew enough to say it was a board failure and do not do repairs.

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