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Arnold I am so glad you started this MTH RailKing topic! RailKing's passenger cars are the best fit for me. They were the best  affordable product with the detail and size I wanted. My RailKing power is 4 PS2 locomotives ( PRR E8, PRR M1a, NYC Mohawk and NYC SW9 switcher). And 2 PS3 locomotives (NYC E6 passenger diesel and premier Alco RS11....with a non power one.)


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Last edited by luvtrains

Drum roll, please.

At the moment, I am proud to share with you my RailKing King of Kings: the MTH RailKing Proto 3 NY Central RS3:

Arnold, of my favorite engine/paint scheme combos.  I had a Lionel version that came with the New Yorker service station set that was freight/passenger.  Anyway, I gave that engine and some of the cars to my daughter as a gift.

Last edited by Fendermain
@Fendermain posted:

Arnold, of my favorite engine/paint scheme combos.  I had a Lionel version that came with the New Yorker service station set that was freight/passenger.  I wonder if the Put ever ran a mixed train like that?  Anyway, I gifted that engine and some of the cars to my daughter.


I have a couple of excellent books about The Put: The Putnam Division New York Central's Bygone Route Through Westchester County by Daniel R. Gallo and Frederick A. Kramer, and Forgotten Railroads Through Westchester County by Robert A. Bang and three other authors, which includes photos and information about The Put and other railroads.

The Put ran short trains, usually not more than 4 or 5 train cars pulled by 10 Wheeler 4-6-0 steamers and RS3 diesels like the NY Central diesel in my above video.

The Put was known for extra wide freight consists. It had sufficient clearances to accommodate such consists that other railroads could not accommodate.

I believe The Put would run anything where they could make some money, so they probably ran some short mixed freight and passenger trains. I will double check this in the above books.

IMO, such short mixed consists make The Put ideal to model for O Gauge layouts that are small to moderate in size like those of most hobbyists. Also, IMO, The Put has a toy-like quality: a cute little locomotive like a ten wheeler, a Postwar milk operating car and platform, log dump car, ore dump car and caboose would be realistic for The Put. The industries along the Put included dairy farms and Lloyd's Lumber in Northern Westchester County, NY, and the Tilly Foster iron ore mines in Brewster, NY.


Arnold - my layout is pretty much all Lionel and I'm especially fond of the newer LionChief items. My one exception is MTH's Docksider. I must explain, I did not buy this little guy, he was given to me by a friend in my European train club - but I sure wouldn't give him back away.

For those of you old enough to remember, this MTH model seems like a pretty good knock-off of Varney's HO version from the 50's.



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I saw some nice RAILKING steamers on the EBay that i like but they might not be the reliable boards .    Is there a way to make them last ? 

Replace battery with BCR for all MTH Proto 1 and Proto 2.

I had Atlas Connectors designed for HO to turn power on and off on sidings. I replaced those connectors with Atlas Heavy Duty connectirddesigned for O Gauge.

Since doing the sbove, I have not damaged and circuit boards.

I believe there are other things you can do, including installing TVS diodes, which others may recommend.

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

Yes, George, it does. Sometimes I get in the mood to make my consists as long as possible.

Every now and then, I'll test these limits and end up having a train crash into its tail.

Lol, glad I'm not the only one! There something so entertaining about wondering for that three or four seconds if that last car you just added was a fraction of an inch too long.

Our Outer reverse loops can do 15 scale cars on the outside loops. The inside loops can do about the same in traditional cars.

Great thread, enjoy seeing all the Railking stuff. My very first MTH was the Bantam RTR Southern Pacific GS4 daylight set. In the late 90s, I just got a tinge of nostalgia right after I got married so I bought myself a train set. I was honestly shocked at how much more detailed this set was than the Lionel stuff I had as a kid. Really was very impressed with the purchase (which is VERY rare for me). And that was their "beginner level" set! I  was an MTH guy from that point on.

Just ran it again today testing out some sidings.

By the way, speaking of Bantam: what is the difference between Bantam, Railking and Rugged Rails? I've seen boxes labeled RR, but I don't think I've ever seen MTH boxes labeled "Bantam" even though I've come to understand that's what my RTR set was.

Last edited by Jeff_the_Coaster_Guy

Great thread Arnold!  RK is king for me too.  Here's some pictures of some of my collection.   First up is the PRR L1.  I added some details from PSC including the whistle shield, whistle, new handrails and stanchions with junction boxes, an extra sander piping, and Pennsy style marker lights on the pilot deck.  The other side features a train control box added to the the running board.  I I repainted it and lettered it with Rail Graphics decals.  This work-a-day, common locomotive has become a favorite for me.  (BTW, that's  Menards HO scale water tower)


Santa was good to me this year and brought this RK NYC ESE Hudson.  MTH did a superb job with this model.  The silver finish is amazing. It also sits slightly lower than the RK Dreyfus Hudson and looks better proportioned than its RK cousin.IMG-0135

Here's a shot of the L1 with a N&W Y6B and a PRR I1.  The last two were recent additions from the MTH closeout auction.  The Y6B is a PS3 model and the I1 is PS2.  The I1 will be next detail project, I already have the parts from PSC.  Can't wait to get started.



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In what years did the 5 volt boards go out in favor of the 3 volt in the RAILKING lineup ?   Was the 5volt also used in the Scale and Premier line ?

So far I haven't had the issue with my Railking engines. 🙄

The 5v boards were phased out in 2004, you are pretty safe to buy anything 2005 or newer with a 3v board.  In contrast to Arnold, I don't usually install BCR's in my 5v PS2 engines. The board has to fully charge the capacitor which (in my opinion) causes extra stress to the already fragile 5v board. That's just my minor preference, I'm sure that many 5v PS2 board with BCR's will still run for many years...

In the Spirit of the thread, some of my favorite Railking engines:



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Good question, Jeff, about "bantam."

I don't think it's an MTH line of merchandise like RailKing or Premier.

My guess is that it may be descriptive adjective of certain locomotives.

I have the MTH Proto 2 Pennsylvania Turbine that is also described as Bantam. I believe, but am not 100% sure, that it is a RailKing engine. A short video of it appears below:



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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari
@Scott R posted:

Great thread Arnold!  RK is king for me too.  Here's some pictures of some of my collection.   First up is the PRR L1.  I added some details from PSC including the whistle shield, whistle, new handrails and stanchions with junction boxes, an extra sander piping, and Pennsy style marker lights on the pilot deck.  The other side features a train control box added to the the running board.  I I repainted it and lettered it with Rail Graphics decals.  This work-a-day, common locomotive has become a favorite for me.  (BTW, that's  Menards HO scale water tower)


Santa was good to me this year and brought this RK NYC ESE Hudson.  MTH did a superb job with this model.  The silver finish is amazing. It also sits slightly lower than the RK Dreyfus Hudson and looks better proportioned than its RK cousin.IMG-0135

Here's a shot of the L1 with a N&W Y6B and a PRR I1.  The last two were recent additions from the MTH closeout auction.  The Y6B is a PS3 model and the I1 is PS2.  The I1 will be next detail project, I already have the parts from PSC.  Can't wait to get started.


Scott, your Railking Empire State Express Hudson is one gorgeous locomotive.  Arnold

Good question, Jeff, about "bantam."

I don't think it's an MTH line of merchandise like RailKing or Premier.

My guess is that it may be descriptive adjective of certain locomotives.

I have the MTH Proto 2 Pennsylvania Turbine that is also described as Bantam. I believe, but am not 100% sure, that it is a RailKing engine. A short video of it appears below:


I think you're right. On my old layout which maxed out at 42" curves, I looked at a Bantam Turbine and Bantam J. They were still Rail King, just further compressed to make them, I believe, 27" curve compatible.

Another great thread Arnold!   IMHO without doubt the RailKing line by MTH has added a deep dimension to the O gauge hobby.   The Docksider  is a wonderful addition to O gauge at an affordable price.  MTH RailKing line also brought us a plethora of small roads, short lines, switching roads,  private company road names,  and major road names not recently modeled in the past by any manufacturer.  I also love the RailKing articulated steamers as well.  Here are pics of some Railking models that I have on my Free State Junction Railway.

B&O Docksider  fullsizeoutput_668

Patapsco and Back Rivers VO 1000 a RailKing PS2 model only manufactured by MTH.  IMG_7413

My B&O Docksider after I finished the weathering job shown in first photo. IMG_9353

RailKing Y6b mallet N&W. IMG_9687

Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad SW9.  Only found in the MTH RilKing line.  I'm grateful for this locomotive.  Thanks MTH!!  fullsizeoutput_1b5

MA & PA SW 1 RailKing.  fullsizeoutput_15f


Rotary snow plow, part of the RailKing line, with rotating blade and lighting.  Gondolas with junk loads. IMG_1780

Western Maryland passenger coach.IMG_0162

MA & PA boxcarIMG_4723

Railking Scale MA & PA SW 1 locomotive with a matching MA & PA caboose ( Premier ) IMG_0355

RailKing Scale B&O SW 9 PS2  ( one of my best and reliable locos ) IMG_0488

RailKing work caboose with digital air whistle. IMG_1597rain

A total RaiKing work train that I've weathered. IMG_1729

RailKing Baltimore and Annapolis caboose.  IMG_1694

RailKing scale B&O GP 9 with PS2 and smoke.  IMG_5111


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I also have Gar Graves O-32 curves on my layout and I am a true fan of MTH Rail King! Below are a few of my engines.

The engine to the right is a Rail King, PRR K-4s.


B&O F-3, 3 unit Diesel by MTH Rail King


MTH Rail King bumper trolley

2012 Richardsons Layout 073

PRR M-1b

M 1 Small

PRR Railking, semi-scale GG-1 leading a train of Rail King , PRR, O-27 heavyweight passenger coaches.

The Federal

MTH docksider in its "Great Northeastern Railway" livery.


One of 3 Rail King, O-27, heavyweight passenger coaches being repainted and re-decaled for Pennsylavnia-Reading Seashore Lines service.

08212016260821201627aInterior with PRR ADs Close Up

PRR K-4s

013 [2)

Rail King - Imperial, PRR, 0-6-0, USRA switcher.


Rail King, PRR K-4s again

K4 Under Stars Cropped

I am sorry. I went a bit overboard with the pictures.

Arnold: This truly is another one of your GREAT topics!!!!!!!


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  • Interior with PRR ADs Close Up
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  • K4 Under Stars Cropped

@Dallas Joseph

Thanks for the compliment on the PRSL coach. That is the first of 3. The interior colors are from  prototype interior photo of a P-70 coach. At each end is and actual Pennsylvania Railroad ad poster for Atlantic City and the Jersey seashore that I got off of the internet and reduced. I am installing LED interior lighting.

I got the B&O Diesel from a friend who was converting to full scale trains. It is PS-2. I don't know the BCR voltage.

Well Arnold, I don't know if that is Yankee Stadium or the Polo Grounds behind the K4, but I see the Pirates sent Jameson Taillon to Yankee Stadium to join Gerrit Cole.  Rebuilding they say.  The Pirates have been rebuilding since '92!  There should be a lot of good baseball in NYC for your passengers to get a glimpse of.  Better start planning for more stadium extras!! 

Hello guys and gals

I LOVE MTH Railking engines as i have a 30-2157-1 Southern NW-2 this engine is scale 1/48 size wise and 22 years old and still has its orginal bulbs and ps-1, just installed the BCR 4 years ago.    It has been trouble free engine and no zinc pest either.  My second engine is a MTH Railking Challenger 30-1724-1 which is lovely engine and use lionel postwar size cars and looks right with the Union Pacific Challenger as many of you guys know that some Railking engines are scale and some are not.   The Challenger is 1/55 scale and i believe the lionel postwar and MPC, LTI freight cars are in 1/50 scale like the 6464 boxcars and hoppers so they look good size wise with the Challenger, Y6b, Big boys, USRA 2-8-8-2's and other large Railking engines.  Those 2 are my favorite Railking engines and they will still be the king !!!  Keep the threads going guys !!!

"A patient person is very smart. A person who is easily angered shows that he is a fool." Proverbs 14:29 ERV (easy to read version)

Tiffany, Widowed, Sept, 15, 2019 still heart broken.

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