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I have a legacy Ac6000 and the rear coupler opens randomly while running.  I have done the follow to try to stop this from happening.   Disconnected the rear coupler plug from the main board.  Replaced the rear coupler and checked the wires for a possible source of shorts.   Had a spare mother board and replaced it.  My last step will be to replace the plug and wires coming from the rear wheel set.   Any other suggestions out there?Marty

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Beings you’ve replaced everything but the paint on the shell, it’s time to look at other factors that can cause random firing. …..dirty track, arcing, sparking, etc, can cause random coupler firing, …..the oddity can make the system believe it’s seeing a signal to fire,….question is, when the coupler randomly fires open, are you hearing the coupler firing sound as if you commanded it to? ……the other possibility is you may have 2 bad couplers back to back, ….I have had this happen!!….can you confirm the coil is being energized when the random opening occurs??…..that’d be the tell tale of an electrical problem with the system, or a mechanical problem at the coupler itself,…oh, & stop tossing parts at it until you diagnose the issue!….you’ll drive yourself bananas doing that!…


Last edited by harmonyards
@martind posted:


The track is clean,  the opening can occur all over the layout on straight sections and curves.  Tomorrow I will try running without the shell on and the lights out to see if there is any sparking with the coupler opening.



Marty, the biggest clue will be do you hear the distinct but faint buzz that says the coil of the coupler has been fired electrically,….turn the sounds off to hear this. Verify it a couple times so you know with authority, and then we’ll be able to help you go down the right diagnostic path.


Marty, I missed the part in your original post that you unplugged the coupler, but it still opened??……this would lead me to believe you just happen to have a bad coupler mechanically……possibly two, back to back,…..but still, verify that you’re not hearing that distinct buzz of the coil,… doesn’t cost anything but time to double check a diag. …….also double check you indeed did unplug the correct connector??….We all make mistakes, ….I’ve chased my tail on diags unplugging the wrong thing!….those that say they havent are lying!….😂😂😂


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