Jeff, it appears you've only made visual inspections. Do you have an electrical meter to make the continuity tests suggested?
If so, I'd first measure the electrical integrity of the coupler itself. The MTH couplers I've seen have easily accessible solder blobs on the coupler assembly. The resistance measurement reading should be a low number - around 2-3 ohms as shown.
If you get this reading at the coupler itself, you should get the similar reading where the 2 wires to the coupler attach to the PS2 board on the 12-pin connector (at contacts #8 and #2). You need to insure making contact with the actual metal crimp inserts in the housing with the meter's probe tips.
If you do not have a meter, I purposely used a "free" Harbor Freight meter to show you don't need anything fancy. I looked at your zip and it appears there are several near you. You've probably seen these coupons in the Sunday paper.