Originally Posted by C W Burfle:
Is the Red Caboose on 45th St?
If so, I think it was originally the Model Railroad Equipment Co., nicknamed Carmin Webster's or Ma Webster's.
I used to visit there often, but I don't know whether I ever made a purchase there.
Madison Hardware and Savoy Merchandise got all my money 
The name of the store was Model Railroad Equipment Corp., and it was owned by Carmen Webster. No nickname involved, she was the owner.
I bought several Ambroid "1 in 5000" HO craftsman rail car kits there. The ones I can remember are the Livesay Poultry car and the Combine Work Caboose. There may have been others but it's been a while.
I also bought a Con-cor N-scale Santa Fe PA-1 there that I still have. I think it was manufactured by Kato, but it's buried too deep to go look. I bought it because the MR mag test said the low speed was .83 mph., and it really does crawl. The standout memory of that purchase is that the sales dude put it on the test track, operated it forward and in reverse, and then asked me if I wanted to fondle it. I told him I preferred to wait until I was in the privacy of my own home. Aside from that slightly disconcerting experience MR Equipment Corp. was a fabulous train store.
Later on never did much care for The Red Caboose, upstairs, can't remember what side of the street. Just an annoying train store IMO.